4 Common Sugar Cookie Mistakes (2024)

Unlike many things in the baking world, sugar cookies are meant to be foolproof. They don't have much butter or leavening, so they'll keep their shape when you roll out the dough and cut them. They're sturdy enough to be handled and decorated, but soft and delicious enough to be a Christmastime dessert staple. But there are still ways to totally mess them up. Assistant food editor Alison Roman gave us the skinny on the most common sugar cookie mistakes.

  1. Roll Out the Dough Too Thin or Too Thick
    If you roll this dough out even a little too thin, they'll become fragile. Not good if you're having a cookie-decorating party. But if you roll the dough out too thick, then they won't cook through and become dense and, honestly, pretty gross. The ideal thickness to roll out your sugar cookie dough is about 1/4"--that way, they'll be tough enough to be handled and decorated, but thin enough to stay a little crunchy.
  2. Use Intricate Cookie Cutters
    Cookie cutters with really small details and tiny pieces might seem like they'll yield a cool cookie, but the tiny pieces of dough won't cook evenly with the rest of the cookie (read: they'll burn). Stick with simple designs and add flair with the decorations (more on that below).
  3. Over-Bake Them
    Lots of people bake their sugar cookies until they're a nice golden-brown. DON'T DO THAT! They'll be hard as rocks--and will get harder the longer you keep them around. Because they'll harden naturally as they age, you want to bake them until they're just set. Look for a sandy-blonde color with just a hint of gold.
  4. Use Only Frosting to Decorate

(Credit: Zach DeSart)

Zach DeSart

Dazzling decorative sugars offer so much crunch and flair, we wouldn't dream of throwing a holiday cookie party without them. Available in a huge range of colors and sizes, they're secret weapons in the baker's arsenal that give any cookie a glam makeover--and you some serious baking cred. Sprinkle a few dragées on thin icebox cookies like the Speculoos Buttons for added height, or roll your favorite ginger-snap in sanding sugar before baking for extra texture. We love vintage-inspired hues like silver and gold, but feel free to color your holidays any way you like.

4 Common Sugar Cookie Mistakes (2024)


4 Common Sugar Cookie Mistakes? ›

But anyone who's ever made cookies has experienced the agony of treat defeat when a batch baked with the highest of hopes just doesn't hit the mark. They could be dry or doughy, tough or crumbly, spread too thin (or hardly spread at all), entirely too sweet or bewilderingly bland, or burnt or underbaked.

What is are some key tips in ensuring a successful sugar cookie? ›

To make these the superstars of your cookie jar, though, you'll want to check out some sugar cookie tips.
  • Add an Egg Yolk. ...
  • Use Brown Sugar. ...
  • Chill the Dough. ...
  • Add a Secret Ingredient. ...
  • Keep an Eye on the Clock. ...
  • Store Cookies the Right Way.
Jun 20, 2018

What are 3 problems with baking cookies? ›

But anyone who's ever made cookies has experienced the agony of treat defeat when a batch baked with the highest of hopes just doesn't hit the mark. They could be dry or doughy, tough or crumbly, spread too thin (or hardly spread at all), entirely too sweet or bewilderingly bland, or burnt or underbaked.

How to tell if sugar cookies are bad? ›

But when cookies go bad, they give out a pungent smell that is often hard to ignore. This is one of the telling signs that the cookie in hand is bad.

What are 5 common baking mistakes that people often make and how can you fix them or avoid them? ›

Common Baking Mistakes (And How to Fix Them)
  1. Baking at the wrong temperature. ...
  2. Not measuring ingredients. ...
  3. Checking on your items too frequently. ...
  4. Your ingredients are at the wrong temperature. ...
  5. Your dough isn't rising. ...
  6. Nothing is baking evenly. ...
  7. Your dough or batter is too tough. ...
  8. Wrap Up.

Can you over mix sugar cookie dough? ›

Dry – “Dry” or “Crumbly” dough is a product of over-mixing or using too much of any ingredient during the mixing process. This can be reversed by adding one to two tablespoons of liquid (water, milk or softened butter) to your mix.

What is the golden rule in baking cookies? ›

Chilling cookie dough is a golden rule to be sure, but there are exceptions. If you're going for a thin cookie that spreads out or you have a delicate dough like macron or madeleine, those are the instances where you'll want to bake your cookies at room temperature instead.

What happens if you over cream, butter, and sugar? ›

Over-creamed butter and sugar

Because it's too aerated, it can result in dense, gummy streaks in your cake when baking.

Can you over beat cookie dough? ›

"Overmixing your dough will result in flatter, crispier cookies," Cowan said. If you overmix, you will end up aerating (adding air to) the dough, which causes the cookies to rise and then fall, leaving you with flat cookies.

What is the best thickness for sugar cookies? ›

Place each portion onto a piece of lightly floured parchment paper or a lightly floured silicone baking mat. With a lightly floured rolling pin, roll the dough out to about 1/4-inch thickness. Use more flour if the dough seems too sticky. The rolled-out dough can be any shape, as long as it is evenly 1/4-inch thick.

Should sugar cookies be hard or soft? ›

The very best sugar cookies are soft and tender. → Follow this tip: One of the keys to great sugar cookies is mixing the dry ingredients only until they're just incorporated, and not a second longer. Once the dry ingredients are added, less mixing equals more tender cookies.

Why poke holes in sugar cookies? ›

The holes trick

There's also a new technique going around when preventing craters in a second layer of icing: poke holes in the base flood (under the area you'll cover with a second layer of icing). You can even do this when the first layer flood has completely dried!

What can go wrong making dough? ›

Bad dough is usually the result of a dough recipe not followed, the introduction of too much cold, heat or water during preparation or problematic mixing. To avoid such issues, get the ratio of dry ingredients to wet ingredients correct.

What is unsafe in cookie dough? ›

Eggs in Raw Cookie Dough

Eggshells can also become contaminated with salmonella bacteria when they're laid. Eggs that contain salmonella look just like normal eggs.

How to tell if cookie dough is overmixed? ›

You may notice visible pockets of flour, streaks of butter, or uneven coloration. When overmixed, though, cookie dough will feel dense, greasy, heavy, and warm. It may be tough to roll out or work with, just like overmixed pie dough.

What is the secret to making good cookies? ›

The key is to always use top-quality ingredients as they'll result in a better cookie; it really is that simple.
  1. Always use butter.
  2. Choose the right sugar.
  3. Choose the right flour.
  4. Check your flour is in date.
  5. Choose the right kind of chocolate.
  6. Cream the butter and sugar.
  7. Beat in the eggs.
  8. Fold in the flour.

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