Before Seeing 'Turning Red,' Learn These Amazing Red Panda Facts (2024)

Before Seeing 'Turning Red,' Learn These Amazing Red Panda Facts (1)

Red pandas' adorable fluffy faces and hilarious hijinks make them fodder for all sorts of viral internet cuteness. Now, Disney’s recent release of the movie Turning Red, which tells the story of a Meilin "Mei" Lee, a 13-year-old girl who transforms into a big red panda when she feels big emotions, is likely to also sparka new wave of interest in the endangered animal. The movie, in truth a metaphor for adolescent pubescence and angst,comes out today on Disney+. On the occasion of the film's debut, here are eight fascinating details about these elusive animals:

They Are the Only “True” Panda

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Like giant pandas, red pandas are a bamboo-munching species native to high forests of Asia. While the two animals share a name and favorite food, they’re not closely related. Western scientists described red pandas 50 years before giant pandas, and named the black-and-white bear after the smaller red panda because of their shared characteristics, like a taste for bamboo and a bonus digit called a pseudothumb. But the latest research has placed red pandas in their own taxonomic family, Ailuridae, while giant pandas belongs to the Ursidae, or bear family.

That makes red pandas the only “true” panda. The term "panda" is believed to be derived from the Nepalese words "nigalya ponya" which translates to "bamboo eater."

Recent genetic studies suggesttwo distinct species of red panda: the Chinese red panda (Ailurus styani) and the Himalayan red panda (Ailurus fulgens). Chinese red pandas typically have a redder face and more distinguished tail rings, and Himalayan red pandas tend to be smaller and have lighter-colored fur.

They Mostly Eat Vegetation

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Though red pandas are carnivores, they rarely eat meat. The term carnivore refers to their biological order, not their dietary preference. Because red pandas descended from a shared ancestor with other carnivores, they share cat-like facial features and teeth, but they switched to a bamboo-based diet more than two million of years ago.

“Biologically, they're a carnivore, they have teeth designed for ripping and shredding,” says Sarah Glass, the curator for red pandas at Zoo Knoxville. “But somewhere along the way, they decided bamboo doesn't run away, it's always green, it's a big grass, you can always find it—I'm going to find a way to make this work.”

To manage their new grassy diet, red pandas gained adaptations, including an elongated wrist bone used to grasp bamboo when feeding called a pseudothumb. Because they retained the digestive system of a carnivore, a red panda has to eat 20 to 30 percent of their body weight in bamboo each day. Pandas will occasionally opt for foods like fruits, insects and bird eggs, too.

“They're using a carnivore digestive system to process bamboo and that is quite difficult,” says red panda biologist Angela Glatston. “They need an awful lot of bamboo get enough energy.” Because they have a short digestive system, red pandas poop mere hours after eating.

They are Arboreal Acrobats

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Red pandas are skilled tree-top navigators; they have sharp, semi-retractable claws like a cat, which they use to grip mossy and slippery tree branches. They also use their bushy tails, which are marked with alternating red and buff rings, as ballasts to maintain balance.

Because red pandas have extremely flexible ankles, they are one of the few animals that can climb down trees head-first. “When I go through the jungle, every other animal when they are in the trees, they crawl down with their hindlimbs first,” says Ang Puri Sherpa, country director for the Red Panda Network, a Nepalese organization dedicated to the conservation of wild red pandas. “But when you see the pandas, they always crawl down headfirst.”

Red panda’s fibula and tibia are attached in a way that allows their feet to rotate 180 degrees, giving their curved claws a better angle to grip tree bark.

Their Fur Provides Camouflage

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Though a red panda’s rusty coat might seem like a bold choice for a forest-swelling species, their color helps them blend in with their surroundings. In their home in the mountainous forests of China, India, Nepal, Bhutan and Myanmar, trees are draped with reddish-brown moss and lichens. Red pandas also have black fur on their belly and legs, which helps them hide from predators like snow leopards against the dark foliage.

“Sometimes it’s a miracle to spot a red panda because they can camouflage very well in their habitat,” says Sonam Tashi Lama, the project coordinator for the Red Panda Network. “There are mosses similar to the color of red pandas, so sometimes, we think there is a red panda far in the distance,” he says. When he gets closer, he’s often disappointed to find the reddish blob is a just clump of moss.

Their Home Is Fragmented

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Fewer than 10,000 red pandas survive in the wild, and hundreds live in zoos across the world. Those that have survived in the wild are often confined to pockets of intact forest. “The animals are isolated in small groups and losing maybe one female, for example, may totally wipe out the reproductive potential of that group,” says Glatston.

While the awareness of the threats to red pandas has increased dramatically over recent decades, humans and red pandas are still competing for space and resources. In addition to habitat loss, poaching is a huge threat to red pandas. Some animals are taken from the wild to be kept as pets (despite making terrible houseguests, according to experts) and others are killed for their fur.

“Support from the local community is very crucial, because they are real stewards of the red panda and their habitat,” says Lama. “Every day the human population is growing, and the demand of firewood and the demand of road networks in the hills where the red panda habitat falls is growing.”

One way that the Red Panda Network supports both locals and red pandas is by hiring community members as environmental stewards, which reduces poaching and provides alternative income sources.

They Are Smelly Socializers

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Red pandas usually prefer to live on their own, except for moms and their young cubs. Because males are solitary, they must work to find a female partner and begin searching for a suitable mate in the winter and early spring. To alert other pandas to their presence, males mark territory with scent glands on their feet and at the base of their tail. The glands secrete a colorless liquid that is pungent to pandas, but odorless to humans. They also opt for another charming trick: personal poop piles.

“These poop piles are basically a message post saying, ‘Hey, I'm in the area,’” says Glass. “Once a male finds a female, they'll follow them around and hang out closely, because you only have that short 24- to 48-hour window where she's going to turn around and go, “‘Okay, you're cute.’”

Like giant pandas, red panda females are fertile for only one or two days a year and can delay implantation of a fertilized egg for weeks. Red pandas’ gestation period can be short as 93 days or as long as 156 days to ensure cubs are born when the most tender and digestible bamboo shoots and leaves are available, usually in late spring.

Cubs Are Playful

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The first few weeks of a red panda’s life are a challenge. Red panda babies are born in litters of one to four cubs, but a female usually has a pair of offspring. Newborn red pandas “are about the size and shape of a Twinkie,” says Glass, and they nurse and get groomed for weeks before their eyes will start to open. At around a month old, they'll start to develop their distinct reddish color and darker markings.

“Six weeks is what starts we call the popcorn stage,” says Glass. “They just sort of leap randomly every so often, maybe into a wall, maybe each other.” Glass says they venture outside of the den around three months old, and only start to gain real control of their bodies at four of five months old.

Young pandas pounce and play not just for fun, but to build skills like balance and coordination. “One of the most charming sorts of play behavior I've ever seen is red panda young playing with their parents,” says Glatston. “They raise up on their hind legs, and put their front paws up, and then they will pounce on one of their parents. It's just so cute."

Red pandas are considered full-grown around two years of age and reach the size of a fluffy house cat.

They Can Endure Cold Weather

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When temperatures drop, red pandas conserve energy by slowing their metabolic rate. When in this state, called “torpor,” they drift into deep sleep, dropping their core body temperature and respiration rate. Red pandas'tails not only help them balance as they navigate the tree canopy—they also act as built-in blankets to protect them from harsh temperatures, which can dip to 19 degrees Fahrenheit at night.

Like the rest of their body, their tail is covered in a dense woolly undercoat with long, coarse guard hairs. Their nose is their only feature exposed to the elements—even the bottoms of their feet have an insulating layer of fur. When temperatures turn warmer in the summer months, red pandas stretch out on branches and pant to stay cool.

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Before Seeing 'Turning Red,' Learn These Amazing Red Panda Facts (10)

Corryn Wetzel | | READ MORE

Corryn Wetzel is a freelance science journalist based in Brooklyn. Her work has also appeared in Audubon magazine, National Geographic and others.

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Red pandas are fascinating creatures that have gained popularity due to their adorable appearance and unique behaviors. Here are some interesting details about red pandas:

Red Pandas are the Only "True" Pandas

Red pandas, like giant pandas, are bamboo-munching species native to the high forests of Asia. However, despite their similar diet and name, red pandas are not closely related to giant pandas. In fact, red pandas were described by Western scientists 50 years before giant pandas and were named after them due to their shared characteristics, such as a taste for bamboo and a bonus digit called a pseudothumb. Recent genetic studies have placed red pandas in their own taxonomic family, Ailuridae, while giant pandas belong to the Ursidae, or bear family. This makes red pandas the only "true" pandas [[1]].

Red Pandas Mostly Eat Vegetation

Although red pandas are classified as carnivores, they primarily consume vegetation. They share cat-like facial features and teeth with other carnivores due to their shared ancestry. However, red pandas switched to a bamboo-based diet over two million years ago. To adapt to their new diet, they developed an elongated wrist bone called a pseudothumb, which helps them grasp bamboo while feeding. Red pandas need to eat 20 to 30 percent of their body weight in bamboo each day to meet their energy requirements. While bamboo is their main food source, red pandas also occasionally consume fruits, insects, and bird eggs [[2]].

Red Pandas are Arboreal Acrobats

Red pandas are highly skilled at navigating treetops. They have sharp, semi-retractable claws that resemble those of a cat, which they use to grip mossy and slippery tree branches. Their bushy tails, marked with alternating red and buff rings, act as ballasts to help them maintain balance. Red pandas have extremely flexible ankles, allowing them to climb down trees head-first, unlike most other animals that crawl down with their hindlimbs first. This unique ability is due to the way their fibula and tibia are attached, enabling their feet to rotate 180 degrees and providing their curved claws with a better angle to grip tree bark [[3]].

Red Pandas' Fur Provides Camouflage

Despite their vibrant rusty coat, red pandas' coloration helps them blend in with their forest surroundings. In the mountainous forests of China, India, Nepal, Bhutan, and Myanmar, trees are often draped with reddish-brown moss and lichens. Red pandas also have black fur on their belly and legs, which helps them hide from predators like snow leopards against the dark foliage. Their excellent camouflage makes it challenging to spot them in their natural habitat [[4]].

Red Pandas' Home is Fragmented

The population of red pandas in the wild is estimated to be fewer than 10,000 individuals, and they are often confined to fragmented pockets of intact forest. Habitat loss and poaching pose significant threats to their survival. Red pandas are sometimes taken from the wild to be kept as pets, despite being unsuitable for domestication. Additionally, they are killed for their fur. To address these challenges, organizations like the Red Panda Network work with local communities to raise awareness, reduce poaching, and provide alternative income sources. The support of local communities is crucial for the conservation of red pandas and their habitat [[5]].

Red Pandas are Smelly Socializers

Red pandas are generally solitary animals, except for mothers and their young cubs. Male red pandas mark their territory with scent glands on their feet and at the base of their tail, secreting a pungent liquid that alerts other pandas to their presence. They also create personal poop piles as a form of communication, indicating their presence in the area. Males search for female partners during the winter and early spring, and once a male finds a female, they closely follow and interact with each other for a short window of time when the female is receptive to mating. Red pandas have a short breeding season, and females are fertile for only one or two days a year [[6]].

Red Panda Cubs are Playful

Red panda cubs are born in litters of one to four, with a pair of offspring being the most common. At birth, they are about the size and shape of a Twinkie. For the first few weeks, they nurse and receive grooming from their mother. Their eyes start to open after a few weeks, and at around a month old, they begin to develop their distinct reddish color and darker markings. Around three months old, they venture outside of the den, and by four to five months old, they start to gain control of their bodies. Young red pandas engage in playful behavior, which helps them develop skills like balance and coordination. They often play with their parents, raising up on their hind legs, putting their front paws up, and pouncing on their parents, creating adorable moments [[7]].

Red Pandas Can Endure Cold Weather

When temperatures drop, red pandas conserve energy by entering a state called "torpor." During torpor, they experience a deep sleep, lowering their core body temperature and respiration rate. Red pandas' tails, in addition to helping them balance in the tree canopy, act as built-in blankets to protect them from harsh temperatures. Their tails, along with the rest of their body, are covered in a dense woolly undercoat with long, coarse guard hairs. Even the bottoms of their feet have an insulating layer of fur. In warmer months, red pandas stretch out on branches and pant to stay cool [[8]].

Red pandas are truly fascinating creatures with unique adaptations and behaviors. Their conservation is crucial to ensure their survival in the wild.

Before Seeing 'Turning Red,' Learn These Amazing Red Panda Facts (2024)


Before Seeing 'Turning Red,' Learn These Amazing Red Panda Facts? ›

Endangered. It is estimated that there are less than 10,000 and as few as 2,500 red pandas remaining in the wild.

How many red pandas are left in 2024? ›

Endangered. It is estimated that there are less than 10,000 and as few as 2,500 red pandas remaining in the wild.

What is a few sentence about red panda? ›

Red pandas are very skillful and acrobatic animals that predominantly stay in trees. Almost 50% of the red panda's habitat is in the Eastern Himalayas. They use their long, bushy tails for balance and to cover themselves in winter, presumably for warmth.

How many red pandas are left? ›

There are estimated to be around 2500 to 10,000 red pandas left in the wild, worldwide! This makes the red panda classified as an endangered species.

What are some fun facts about red? ›

Red is the first color babies can see after black and white. Because red grabs attention, it's used to warn people of danger. That's why it's on stop signs, traffic lights and fire engines. Kings in the Middle Ages wore red to display their God-given right to the throne.

What do red pandas smell like? ›

To alert other pandas to their presence, males mark territory with scent glands on their feet and at the base of their tail. The glands secrete a colorless liquid that is pungent to pandas, but odorless to humans.

What do red pandas eat? ›

Food/Eating Habits

Because red pandas are obligate bamboo eaters, they are on a tight energy budget for much of the year. They may also forage for roots, succulent grasses, fruits, insects and grubs, and are known to occasionally kill and eat birds and small mammals.

Do pandas have 5 or 6 fingers? ›

8. A panda's paw has six digits—five fingers and an opposable pseudo-thumb (actually an enlarged wrist bone) it uses merely to hold bamboo while eating. 7. Of all the members of the bear family, only sloth bears have longer tails than pandas.

Can you have a red panda as a pet? ›

Moreover, red pandas are endangered animals protected by law, so it is illegal to buy and sell them as pets.

Why are there only 10,000 red pandas? ›

Habitat loss, fragmentation and degradation are major threats to wild red pandas. Poaching is also one of the threats to this species, as red pandas are killed for food, medicine, pet trade and their distinctive red fur.

How many babies do red pandas have? ›

After a gestation period of 90 to 145 days, the female gives birth to a litter of one to four, usually one or two young.

Are red pandas friendly? ›

Red pandas are not dangerous animals, but they do have aggressive tendencies. When a red panda stands on its hind legs and raises its arms, it displays a defensive stance and may attack the threat with its claws and teeth.

How long do red pandas live? ›

They prefer Temperate forest with a thick Bamboo understory. Lifespan: Red pandas may live as long as 23 years. They show symptoms of age at around 12 to 14 years old. Gestation: 1-4 cubs are born after 135 day gestation period.

How fast can a red panda run? ›

Red pandas can run up to 24 mph (38 km/h) on short distances.

How lazy are red pandas? ›

Contrary to assumptions, they are not lazy or bored. In fact, there is a scientific reason for their relaxed lifestyle. A large portion of the red pandas' natural diet is bamboo which does not have a lot of nutrition. This means that, much like a sloth, they have a small energy budget and conserve as much as they can.

Do red pandas have six fingers? ›

Like Giant Pandas, Red Pandas have six fingers. The extra thumb is actually an extension of the wrist bone. Red Pandas are only active for around 12 hours of the day, at dawn and dusk and for some of the night; the rest of the time they rest, sounds like a good life!

Can red pandas swim? ›

Although red pandas are excellent swimmers, it is not something they do very often.

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