Explore These Indoor Cincinnati Attractions to Escape the Cicadas This Summer (2024)

It's summertime in the Queen City, which typically means camping, kayaking and exploring the great outdoors. But this year, the Cincinnati region has been graced by an invasion of the 17-year cicadas from Brood X. Some people don't mind the buzzing buddies, but if you'd rather avoid them, we have you covered with some indoor, cicada-free attractions you can explore.Each establishment has its own COVID prevention guidelines and mask requirements, so make sure you call or check online before you go. (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that folks keep wearing masks indoors or in crowds, especially when not vaccinated.)

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Explore These Indoor Cincinnati Attractions to Escape the Cicadas This Summer (1)

Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center

1301 Western Ave., Queensgate
Founded in 2000 by Holocaust survivors and their families, the Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center features moving and modern displays, artifacts, photographs and audio and visual media which tells of the mass murder of 6 million Jews by Nazi Germany and its collaborators. And while the museum shows how the Holocaust was a horrific event centered in Europe that spotlighted humanity at its worst, it also explains how it has had a long-lasting impact in Greater Cincinnati by including stories of those who either escaped the Nazis or survived their death camps and came here to start new lives — often arriving at Union Terminal, the grounds of the museum itself, making for a uniquely meaningful experience.
Photo: Hailey Bollinger

Explore These Indoor Cincinnati Attractions to Escape the Cicadas This Summer (2)

Newport Aquarium

1 Levee Way, Newport
Across the Ohio River from Cincinnati sits the Newport Aquarium, home to thousands of sea creatures from across the globe. At the Newport Aquarium, visitors can walk across the world’s first shark bridge, pet a stingray or watch penguins belly-glide into the water. Not only are there one-of-a-kind adventures, but also one-of-a-kind exhibits such as the new Shipwreck: Realm of the Eels.
Photo: Facebook.com/NewportAquarium

Explore These Indoor Cincinnati Attractions to Escape the Cicadas This Summer (3)

Jungle Jim’s International Market

5440 Dixie Highway, Fairfield
At Jungle Jim’s International Market, you can explore the flavors of the world in one visit. Explore India with its curry spices, various rices and teas. Take a stroll toward Italy and enjoy the aromas of herbs and garlic, or check out the sweets section of Eastern Europe. Wherever you go, it is always a foodie adventure at Jungle Jim’s.
Photo: Hailey Bollinger

Explore These Indoor Cincinnati Attractions to Escape the Cicadas This Summer (4)

American Sign Museum

1330 Monmouth Avenue, Camp Washington
The American Sign Museum is decorated floor to ceiling with vintage commercial signs and the old tools used to make them. Located in Camp Washington, this museum is famous for its collection of neon signs, and is a unique place to get some cool shots for your Instagram. The American Sign Museum also offers audio tours for your phone to learn more about the history of the signs.
Photo: Facebook.com/AmericanSignMuseum

Explore These Indoor Cincinnati Attractions to Escape the Cicadas This Summer (5)

Krohn Conservatory

1501 Eden Park Drive, Mount Adams
Mount Adams' Krohn Conservatory is a historic Cincinnati staple nearly a century in the making. Known for its lush green gardens, vibrant flowers and various designated houses for plants, the conservatory is also seasonally home to another one of nature's gifts — the butterfly. During the Krohn's annual butterfly show, guests can peruse the gardens while also watching the different hues of butterflies fluttering around. This year, the conservatory celebrates its 25th anniversary butterfly show with Butterflies of Bali through Sept. 6. Tickets must be reserved in advanced.
Photo: Instagram.com/krohnconservatory

Explore These Indoor Cincinnati Attractions to Escape the Cicadas This Summer (6)

Contemporary Arts Center

44 E. Sixth St., Downtown
Shop, eat and soak in some culture at downtown's Contemporary Arts Center. With rotating exhibitions and family-friendly events throughout the summer, there are plenty of ways to stay entertained.
Photo: Facebook.com/cincycac

Explore These Indoor Cincinnati Attractions to Escape the Cicadas This Summer (7)

Full Throttle Adrenaline Park

11725 Commons Drive, Springdale
If you consider yourself to be an adrenaline-junkie, then Full Throttle Adrenaline Park is the place for you. With high-speed go-karting, paintball, axe throwing, a rage room and a virtual reality simulator, you will never get bored. It’s also located right next to a Dave & Buster’s and a Sky Zone Trampoline Park, if you're looking for even more adventure.
Photo: Facebook.com/FullThrottleAdrenalinePark

Explore These Indoor Cincinnati Attractions to Escape the Cicadas This Summer (8)

Cincinnati Museum Center

1301 Western Ave., Queensgate
This summer, immerse yourself in educational museum exhibits, historical archives and, most importantly, air conditioning. The Cincinnati Museum Center is home to popular stops like the Museum of Natural History and Science, the Cincinnati History Museum, OMNIMAX Theater and Children's Museum.
Photo: Facebook.com/CincyMuseum

Explore These Indoor Cincinnati Attractions to Escape the Cicadas This Summer (9)

Mosaic Climbing

9501 Union Cemetery Road, Loveland
If you’re a fitness guru, or just love trying new physical activities, then check out Mosaic Climbing in Loveland. Mosaic offers indoor rock climbing to people of all levels, whether you’re a beginner or scale up cliffs frequently.
Photo: Facebook.com/MosaicClimbing

Explore These Indoor Cincinnati Attractions to Escape the Cicadas This Summer (10)

The Candle Lab

1325 Vine Street, Over-the-Rhine; 7454 Beechmont Ave., Anderson Township
For more than 10 years, the Candle Lab brand has been helping customers pick out the perfect scent for themselves, friends and family. Guests have the opportunity to pour their own candle wax and experiment with different fragrances to create a personalized candle, body mist or soap.
Photo: Facebook.com/TheCandleLab

Explore These Indoor Cincinnati Attractions to Escape the Cicadas This Summer (11)

Vent Haven

33 W. Maple Ave., Fort Mitchell
As a form of entertainment, ventriloquism has been around since the 18th century, and what better way to learn about it than by visiting a museum dedicated completely to the art. This unique museum —the only one of its kind — is home to over 900 dolls, all from various backgrounds and periods. Schedule a personal tour by visiting their website.
Photo: Hailey Bollinger

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Explore These Indoor Cincinnati Attractions to Escape the Cicadas This Summer (2024)
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Author: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.