Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 6, 1934, p. 2 (2024)

pbs 2 the georgetown herald wed neadny evening june 6th 1 934 summer apparel 1 correct in sfyle- correct in price silvers offer a splendid assortment of cool summer apparel for men women and children ladies will find a beautiful array of white hats and dresses come in and see litem you will nol be disappointed duo lulo jvtoirdocin pl uemorul ltopitai brampton on jrtday june 2nd 16m alma lurd lerly b10vd wife of ttmcruu j llrownride in lier mth kor i to iii iltuon in oumcuwti on prl day june iu 1cq4 uaruuret oujw vtuio of tlie laic aw andr robert- h silver wfcet yir doiur gor fwtw phone s78 georgetown vj ul uouiam hanco*ck in loving memory of our tit ar uauui t r tnd kliur horma atior ho pauaxi attu june 7th i tin u jl cart lm mid kiir ful ilie i umuing buixuu mt that oik pain we jj iowd la r ully uitw hr but timt ui oul to rrwvl again ltotlnsly n mrmlx k4 by uothfr pad hiuer and urvthrr nohtoj in luiuig numory or our dixr ton and brotlirr iv rry rduird in hi jt ar vj u puiaanl aua j in ttti is j gij jwr jo ui1 wu tkruxi hira ufjr day by uy ii cug ui ljutr pm i a liuu iiu1y pju awy and 1 old not giw rvl f mi bad- no ur a uat fartifctll jli tjui uuud bi u none mu iutfii 111 uun- e krw jl4l u- if 111 u bad loil our llj tjiuiit ijjk flow we mua bun our uah tlfiot tell wlul to uy lad only know tjjw si m him in our lioinr uut u lanrofn today badjy mum by uuther wuki hjuti and jlrotl r oicton in louig memory of our liar uujhtir war i io died jaw tib ivie u ib var lirr n mi mtnd ty uunw r4ttir luar and urouft v s m fttki ajfb haton old tohmm akfcoctaylow 9v ui benefit of it herald w- ura jortbr w puuun th fcj tw antral boakft pcnlr of th etso aixtxtum u1 l hfid on winnay jun kmh 101 tit cor- imfl wht fcdjotniaa ihe eximnnunuj kri hrtjidcn usnttoba all thou- ho cm from vrl or lullon coun- twl osotrlo or vnou nurnu cajnr rou iw1 or lujton trr oordliiy in- viud to attrnd this nlmic and to bruw uutr famulft and frbnd lth uta all thou from a flutntt cool in th forvnoon and dlruvr ui b rvd tjiaiic itji from trk to on ockwb uportj u1 comnnwr at ual a iriwcul effort to attend thu ptcflla aj h will t ondrfui oo- lusrtunuy to aci old frund aiid uhoottdim of many jtajb aso itoy ucfualj kmuulon ptyldmt john ifpsuvosy oak mjwr tretary golf vewh an intr jonlor ooji club ouuh to ijaw crt uir owmrtosm cxir bftsrn clir crft ooli club and hmmixon oojf club btnn ororgr toau cn by 10 to 4 it giu tha rint match of thr uwn and t juniora air locntnj fjrnj to ttvr r- turn matcri at llramikon urn iluarnx o j algl iumj dutstaj 1 u hajj uhh a kobktom aftrr a thort ulnu uargart oil- lufl widow of lh uu avxandr llo- uruon paud away al bar boon tu-ft- on friday jun 11 doaeaud uaa a daughter of th lata uf and urs jofn oullfa and aa bom in lqufhlriir town tup where aha wai a iikidtiu for many yara and an ac- nu nvauwr of llolon cimrcii wlicrr l a at conmrttxl wlui th cliolr ana ottur omjnlutloiu blue 104 ilw rtldid in ooretown wturc liai alw brrn tnost ualve in the churrh lif- of botxi knq lrtbywrun und tiir umifmi cntikh uy u ovain j uta luanrilon a kind and lovintf mutltir u uood iwljrbor and a trm tirtiiun otnan tvkhed by ail who kirft iwr hai tfn rrnujvwl lllu- i j iiivtx by lo daughter lira w il djilmtun of port lie ban and mr w v iliadly of ooreftomn alo t ir iucr un itoofrt llocuilourfji riktoaii ii r jjinr cutft pai t un john uckay crvenuirr and mit l iktiaalm of ourlph ttw lm i ojk uft on uundjy allrr- uxin tn ttn jrvuv ujj coiulun- t ilr llr ituriikk of uw umuvj iiuiri a ll by krv woo llcniitjjii of hi oorges antlttui urrii iilimunt bl qntt rxwa in tty nic pul bfarrra ti j it utmiiiry cho kord w c anthony iiur c tlumi won jolin ilflrmld ltd ii l hutt tts iiuiiy lm uutlful floral triuuu iiom utn ajul fruiida conmrviwe lwn fde urgely aiteruui ofiftuary lurt wulouiittby 1 piank krninrr oodfrry ouilirr 1 w uarchmrnt 1 jack koulla i fan ifckraiic 1 k uarunim t itoy ttxdli 1 jack luundvr 0 wm llactarrn 0 oratixm farrwu 0 uurrota a lllaicty ii hjuon d ajai r upnajn f ratiy o thornton d uanhftll o lurcuy j mury calltlck ufth t j bjiohnhioci a brl ji l uui u lf il xl ht n aim ii id bslnid uilr ol t omu j ijiosi rl mwiii uiumim llramuixn lhm iul llo nital on 1h du junr sil in tr j8ui j ar it tivtl tut u dtuuti u cf mr ujd mrs jat ii had 1tq lit und wu maiitnl u llr lluunrklr tbin jrin urf iu ml i in r i u luiki ite u lun wd in i t iknn wttd ik1 ljil ut i r uiiiiu ui d ihr bio thtra ifxtuid in tin i t wurnd llrruit l in and arthur i flur li it ikitimd u mrmbrr of inr unit ed chukh atror tlir funeral lock iiucc from tier rwmr lot 4 con tf rqurintr on turuuy aftrmoon and a larvtly attrndtd ttir ier vu nu rotul ittxl b u v mr fw tlw tull brartro tn mr tr cu ton dick h wrluuliauofih arthur ituddcu krlr wuwin pan wruiht and it j oralum tin n u i tr rruny brautlfuj iorul tilbultk from rrlutl and friend mimuuiax tnvkllso tfo actov vltthxtuh 11 unvrilii k of a lalutt mi hun i lut dtxlicjttns a haimuomr and tnlir trum ttaj to it r ran and iivn tu tuad thf vlllar ot ac n tfhd ls environ fiom ihe wilder i v vt llultoji coubtf cltuen qf uwi ilttfi coiufltul dm- fua sup ul rn 1 1 itu a nvwrrnt and unfailing rxognl i ti of llulr lorrbeari ti mrtmlnv of th jrnlflcnc of the i w f tfm r plonrfra waa broujht to l 1 l in ih- uddrru of ii d warret i ic ronm atidttr narration of th tp tahan in thr errcilon of lb n i in u lal by the fcrcrrtary n r lir tin rntirr wrvlr cf ddlca n a durwd lo honor and con ciii he- rrw mury thow tlrwp nit i i it burtil uruund ta in part in ttie ervicr arrf u if l ileiinu ol thr irrbytr hi ct itch ibv c l poole unlld cl i h u it rlrr itudent mlnuur t it lupul church itev ii iltl- lii r tit albaiia church of enatand jikt lt artnn band which axom tiii l it t mat chair in tlr uialng f id p oneer hymn dc malcolm itibn and o it adamt dvrnd ni f tin ploneri made brief com ment on the fltnru of thr memorial nd exinimjthl ibr nope that the trua- u un urcful in coranlfttng i he iraii rmition of th cemetery mtmueii of tie board of truiteea wti t irrltd out the ofk of rvrvova- t n and conitmctton ar w a lub ctialrman ii m lirown it i uavklon w ucoonald d ucdchui- ull j uconudr and h v iloorr clrik tlitre wm a innje ghtberlj of lodira and e nibmen at th uu fet ut tru beuutlful iiome and pound ol ur aul ut u k fbek on uort- ly tveiilnu hi id in tl lnlfmu of w u davl tne contrrvattve can didate for i lal ton tlw btound were bruiuntly uju- nunattd and wvllier ideal for tlu nt li col jamra lullantln difo uti cluirman of tlie rrnlnjr ind af- ip- bru f introductory remaki ca41d ni uikk uildrtnl ivck djittliter of dm nt and iquj tho wry oiarw- iidily welroovd tlie gatlwrtng in a bnef but timely vptveh cd u-ulanluk- thin tntrodutfd the snjlun of tlu rt nlna tlio dluruut 1 tie k adulk qu4tlona of tlie day putnb n tlr xpndjtur trul tut- li j tin- arhleti irwnt cf tha pfwt uunauw tdmiiiutratkjj 111 on tario tlu prjlun flr a tialoi w lkxl coiijtvattv eandkuale in halt n w y hamilton oimlph ix col j ki wu r uackay of toronto lurdimi oraydoa hfimplon and v it k andeitn up of uu loll tie- u rue llilba dlcottuhl hand wa rr4it and pljud a ty w- iiatujul program uuruiv the ttenlna al tfo rlw of th addrtw u4 it am and calu u tenrd lo all pivwnt itiwl a vfy pbaunt occ alton a irrminated by an i kprraloi of thank jo llr and wr vbck for tlrfr kli tx4ijtutllv uuat roistil or womej tlie claijnii mrtldst of the local co picu tf wamin a iwld u the tumnllfn if u i lull krkuy uiy jjth lite prtklcetit un uukenti i ti ik alter mbiutra of prevloot tc41ng unr it ad and confirmed and trva urrr rt wn uie ifenrroi ixuinaa iinicxjd ur a ii parr inserted for public i ralih nr i iral patient u tauxh lmnmil in mind and body and it una iivlicd tt at councu uep up hi t r tmth rtant vork canlderablr rorrtnondent wt mud oiu i ttcr rthy of attention ji f om ijid abaiuwn ld rfply to i oti of cnndolmce arnt ty tb council local otfh il la arre prrnard and liifurmatlfii uu rrad penalntna to i lownclal t lee 1 1 on thu coming jun con httna of lnitructlom for vottng iter tut ton from yarloua council in ontario to be prrientad to tftt gov- immrnt urir read and aom paiied ta a etri out doora oo th biautiful iirotindi with lira hutt m ttir brack i hoateia after a 1 1 iny vote of thank lo th hairj tl mcetlnz adjourned until i all alls wellthe captains at the wheel g when storms are raging its a comforting thouuht that an experienced captain a man of courage and resourcefulness is safeguarding the lives of the passengers now with the storm of economic hardship and depression passing and ontario business safely headed towards the harbor of better times it is being suggested to the people of ontario that they transfer ontarios resources from the capable hands which piloted them safely through one of the greatest financial crises in the worlds history it is being suggested to the province that it should remove from the experienced hands of the henry administration the trusteeship of its agriculture its forests its mines and its varied industries the voters are being given a suggestion that they should transfer their billions of dollars of assets ontario cannot afford to experiment the province needs the constructive courageous program to which the conservative government is pledged signed the liberalconservative association of ontario ntoaaui a bzjutock upp llalum ubrrai crudb unemjyixfeat irtalumc mid minimum wae tea m i bliv ttuu unafflnloytnrnt i tlw primary cauw of our prvwnt troubb w haw luard o many uoriaa of th can of tb pr4rtil vpf6iion and lo many iaxiiud cure for it hat u u noi uy tnufulon to wary ou wlui my view upuiij buour a itwy an neoraury to pbun the iratum for tny aland on the qu tlon lilnw thr war laboraavui2 d- vlori hav uicrairj undouijy hy ma production of good tbougt ltliouivbu dittoes our manufaciur- era iiave nachd th point wliarr by borkbi a abilay wwk mart good can be manufactured than uie people f thu country can buy wltb uwir uut vadft not kot- uian they can ul but wore ttan thay can buy tliu fact acarcvly rfquura proof at it taking puu ui all line of produc ion on the farm a stu a in uu factory when uu fact 1 admitted it then become obmoui that tnuxt either tnenraw our buytnj powjr by inctraalrm age or e muu mduce aortunji lioura and aotklng daya th prrrnt condjuon u not a temporary randltlori 11 will not cui lurlf but the facta arc acd it can be curtd contend thai e wry one in tm country u entitind to a daunt lvunj and a ob wuh which to earn thu llvbiff everyonk is entttlku to niui as a uatttlt of luollt and hot ao a uattdl or chalt xtv w art cnuuad to it 6cauu ar human twins btcau w live in ft chrullan dmoortry it u th nrw duty of our fovtmrnrpt lo that wary man fcu thlj light to live deceruiy wbih u th mot important thing in ft mana civil m nploytnent can and ahould be rvu- ubucd to th poult wher miry man lia job and thli ahould and can be don by bglalatto and then we ahould hav oontruxitory unrmploy ment buuranc to tak car of oon- tlngrncbm i do not belwva in any jtobln uood achrtnc of itklnu wraith from ona man and giving it to another tfear u croa injuuic br ing don through th uuqual dlatrt- butlon of eaajtb but tn my opinion the brat way to curt thi la to cure the elu which aliowad tb tnaqual ac- cumulatkin of wealth it 1 batter to erect ft barrwr to prawn men from faillna over ft cliff than to tuppiy an ambulance at th bottom of lb it la rrtm bo aual from your fuow nun but it liimi thai if you aual ft tare enough turn from th pubuc generalh th wrard u more apt to bo a uu than ft pruon ttu ahould not b dtrmttuct th uv thould apply aquauy to all man th man who ataau ft million douara or un muuon douara from hi fcllov men by waunnf th atock of a company or by margar of oomrjanim ahould b forced u mak rauilutlon and ktuuld b punlahcd awn though b l a magntt of induatry or ft bank preal- clanl x alio bauv that atoea pro- fib ahould b tkiad any fair ayatam of taaatloq 1 faauad upon ft oonaidar- atlon of lawaraj thtnga cluemhlp arrvkra reoalwd and abujty to pay our municipal tax in raiad moatiy from ariimnt on real proparty why abouldn t esoma droau b mad to oantrtbula when e ebxt miulon- alrea a our premiir w ban only ourwlvw to buun if w ar unfairly toxivt such ft th tax on augar which takva twanty million dollar annually out of th pockat of peopl who can 111 afford to pay and laave th bald ing of th wealthy practically un- touchad i am in favour of leglila- tlon preventing th wabbrbig of stock provenung th theft from th public by margera of oompanlas and i am in favour of fair taxation of profit if all of thi la don ma accumula tion of wealth in ft few hand to th detriment of the maxte wul be pre vented after th people of thu province hate euffarod dutreu and want for th put four and onehalf years ur henry ha at uut mod declaration on unemployment insurance and min imum was for men the following la tho brat in pan wo are anxious to cooperate in providing unemployment in surance the government is in favour of a minimum wage for men and will take the neccaury step immediately to confer 0 to the best plan to carry thi out lie ha had full opportunity during all of hi years of office to do hu duty in regard to unemployment insurance and minimum wage laws but it is not until ho 1 forced to fooo at the poll u justly hostile electorate that he finally make n dcalhbnd confession lie admit tn effect that he ahould have done that thing and tf given another chance premie to do them when he admit they are nromiary he l perfectly right but where has he been all the yean when he just find it out nowr lie doomx even trouble to try to excuse hi failure to do anything jbu tie been asleep or didnt he want to do it put on faith in deathbed confessions or promise the patient might recover and again change his mind you re member the promise to end unem ployment made by ut bennett and how well they have been kept llr henry cannot excuse himself by blam ing ottawa ii and hi friend llr ucnnott have had full control and unfortunately for the country they have both had majorities so large they could do a they pleoied they are consecjuently entitled to all of the bkwy and to all of the blame t a ilxducelook ccf campaign a wri of twenty four hireling held i rv y part of tlu county la in full sulnc i ncouraalnif ixjuoiiu- ii being me ulth in every plare on u nday june 11th u mitlns u tn u- in bj m owirui ton at the cbmrv platform on ualn futwt csntaln ijmorv rillpott will n ak til will be hu fir t auoraiiric in ontario f trr a fcurteuful aklng tour in ha- kuchcvaii in the intrrtwtft o tlielr ivovlntlal rkctljn tlu e omtrtilur jame b miwui of toronto mil al be a peakcr controller blmptoni con- rwctl n with labor isacvlika uiould axuire i lni a mb o heunng in deoneton tl- cjndla ur fb- b- rt h ilfatj n of kin man wu luak ti rrjir u ii br taktn by a- u rlami itld i t rl hallon con t ul i v c ci couittlj til- cjcoeffetoihti nmtuig alii uatt tlie uik of final ccy italia to be held in 0or loan acton liuiuna- ton h01114 and oukvilk to u held on vuuyuhjw night luturdjy nbujuia faui a iuand uaa uuiij for the county till l ild m tvj ton hall uulon boeak- r kill lneludr cajain ihitlpott h j llfott of the ujo c01 troller hlmp- on and pouy uii atfru uac- pliall u i assessment appeals tk nottr mat a court ci luvuooii will b- 114 tt at uv oouneu chimbtr hit utiftllmii oil uoni1av lk lllk ir w jumt st 10 orlofk am fuamlurd tim u har appeal aaurut th uudnt kii uf 1031 31 i u tmwtr towtuhu cutk ttucuu wmtc triujj r wtji br rmlvd by uv a lluli biijl ikuid or v lni llifkuual ciltr ihr uhr la br crtiunxl in tuo tiulalliiwnu all tiultn to lr 111 liatuu ol tlw hoard by nuon juiir ijtli waltir t kvaji lljinljry 3t tiiwl 4111 u rhflwd by tlw ruxjitjti ii all uf hool lloaij for f- ouid ol guoo body llnli and uaiiv titlm to l tn lianua of tlir lloaid by noun jun lit wal- tr t rvan tbtrmary at laiiliimisasitiajaaaaibba conservative mass meeting at georgetown in the intereits of w s davis the conservative csnduule gregory theatre thursday june 14th iiisisdst iilkaklrs t a hulse k c of toronto dr anderson mp of muion w s davis the ouididste and otlws everybody cordially invited tiviunf aisaaiimmiiwasta p i433traci43i333xi3 73303 2t4o3i suvuc voub bjuxot fob blamelockt bsisibaaaiibsibsiasisisibasi blakelock x ibjmbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbi iiealtu uerobv the followlns u tlw mpott of oom tnunlcablo diseaiea by the ixojl to cmorsetown hoard of llealtli mr uy 1034 dlphtheru 0 bcuut iwer 0 oiuckatitmuc 0 afmiw 0 oeraum ueailes 0 uuittiu 0 laftuuua pamjwlj s typliokl invtr 0 wnnodntrootnili 0 cwbkllllnu utnlnllul 0 i cpispryl theatre friday june 8 scotland yard mystery uuart aayuary i farther tua ttbr oarftu tie uasrlar coniedy gob of fun novelty slratoephere fox ncwe saturtuy jun 9 bottoms up ten ury wtlk uagfctrr aad smsale hua by ik rxjwr y hlu i p starrbag hpeorer trary pal raitraa aaa jha blea looncy tunci buddys beer garden chapter 10 tarzan willei a t tuetuuy and wedntudy june 12 and 13 queen christina pawvrfbl drajtaa af htmi aiagmeue role starrtag gru garb uau ktaoe and johm guwrt goofy moviee no i popular composer horry warren dinnerwnre coming massacre with richard bartkalmcu rrrr lrtrcmxerg rrrtttr ttttitviz rrr i d a drug specials ul oir ida ad 14 uldnlwdavh htak june out and tiiiuhdavu t1i4gilm jinc tib foft kill l1ht canto rta tie old english health bait he palmollve boap s for lie thompson a shaving cream is enom oalta 16 tu 17c kruachrn balls large me ufrbuoy boap 3 for 10c fl tox ue 87e ullk tvlagruala lie absorb nt cotton 1 lb see llydrotfrn ivroxklr 8 ox tic ibithtng caps ue 19c sae fiae damns i d a drug store phone 327 ruom us soom obdebs georgetown w dallhr rrutstlr iwanmnmniumtumritiinuiiiiiiaiinm see the old royd duo tt liampbins of ontario demonstrate the carioca the latest dance sensation at hutfonville park friday june 8th mudic 11v tiie populalt bob williamsons s piece band ftuual popular prkeu ladies 26c gentlemen 50c diuiclnn from 020 to i 30 d b t ttlll p4huiko dimck niuiitu note1 till park u uiiittr tit u innnamment thla ymr we uniild like your picnic no mattir hou tmall ur- will rwttmor to jilraw ou write aiul ruartt n date today to t h moorchead uraijipton w f harris huttonvlllo bargain fares georgetown to montreal 678 return june 18 h quebec cftv lui natural btb anne be deaupre bsm nolurnf can pepoaoe tuluf aaif ihueaiotiam from adian national town aoknv iu



Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), June 6, 1934, p. 2 (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.