Here's How Much Weight You Can Lose in a Month on Weight Watchers | (2024)

Here's How Much Weight You Can Lose in a Month on Weight Watchers | (1)

You can lose a significant amount of weight in a month on Weight Watchers.

Image Credit: istetiana/Moment/GettyImages

If you're following a Weight Watchers diet, which is now called WW, it's important to lose weight gradually — whether your goal is to lose 10 pounds or 50 pounds.


During your first month on a WW plan, you might lose weight at a faster pace than during subsequent months. This is normal, and the initial period of rapid weight loss shouldn't last more than a few weeks.

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Monthly Weight Loss on Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers encourages healthy eating and discourages food deprivation. While following a WW plan, you can expect to lose an average of 8 pounds a month, or 2 pounds a week. This is a realistic and healthy goal to aim for, according to the Mayo Clinic.


Your weight loss may fluctuate from week to week and month to month. During some weeks, you may lose less than 2 pounds and during other weeks, you may reach a plateau. You might even have some weeks in which you gain a little.

As long as you average a loss of about 2 pounds a week by the end of the month, you're on the right track, says registered dietitian Stephanie Rost, RD, former director of corporate program development for Weight Watchers.


Why You May Lose More Weight Initially

During the first few weeks of the Weight Watchers plan, it's possible to experience more dramatic weight loss, a sign that your body is adjusting to your new eating plan. The majority of the weight you're losing, however, is most likely water weight and not fat.

After the first few weeks, you should maintain a more gradual weight loss, losing about 2 pounds per week.


The Risks of Losing Weight Too Fast

Dropping more than 2 pounds a week has been linked to numerous health risks, per the National Health Service (NHS). Rapid weight loss can cause gallstones, which can lead to severe or life-threatening infections, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine, and are associated with symptoms including nausea, vomiting, chills, gas and bloating.

Dramatic fluctuations in weight can also negatively affect your energy levels, your metabolism, kidneys, thyroid function, level of sex hormones and cardiac function — including an unhealthy change in your blood pressure.



Additionally, over time, loss of bone density could cause your bones to become weak and brittle, increasing your risk of fracture, per an October 2014 review in Current Opinion in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Obesity.

What to Do if You're Losing Weight Too Quickly or Too Slowly

If you've followed your WW plan for several weeks and haven't lost any weight — or if you're dropping more than 2 pounds a week after the first month — it's time to meet with your WW coach and evaluate your diet.


It's possible that you may need to adjust the number of points you're using to keep track of food portions and calories. If you're experiencing a weight-loss plateau, you might need to trim a couple of points from your daily total. Or, if you're losing weight more quickly than the recommended safe amount, you might need to increase your points by two or three until you're back on track. Your coach can help you best determine which next step is right for you.



Here's How Much Weight You Can Lose in a Month on Weight Watchers | (2024)


Here's How Much Weight You Can Lose in a Month on Weight Watchers | ›

Monthly Weight Loss on Weight Watchers

How much weight can you lose in a month on WeightWatchers? ›

How much weight will you lose in a month on Weight Watchers? According to the program itself, WW members can expect to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week, which would be 4 to 8 pounds per month.

How much weight can you lose in 7 weeks on WeightWatchers? ›

Unlike many fad diets that promise unrealistic results over short periods of time, WeightWatchers says members can expect to lose 0.5 to 2 pounds (lb) [0.23 to 0.9 kilograms (kg)] per week, depending on their chosen plan.

Can you lose 5 lbs a week on WeightWatchers? ›

So, you may be able to lose 5 pounds in your first week or two on Weight Watchers, but as you get used to the plan, you may plateau and will probably slow down to just a couple of pounds per week. Not only is this normal, but it's also preferable.

Why did Oprah leave WeightWatchers? ›

Oprah Winfrey has revealed why she left her nearly 10-year post as a WeightWatchers board member last month. Her resignation was motivated by her work on an upcoming TV special on the rise of prescription weight-loss drugs, she said during a Thursday appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!”

Why am I not losing weight on WeightWatchers 2024? ›

If you're following (WW) and not losing weight it's most likely because you are: Overeating zero-point foods. Zero-point foods still have calories. It feels too restrictive and you're overeating later.

Is Weight Watchers a 1200 calorie diet? ›

(If you're active, maybe you can consider 1,500.) Most regimented diet programs, like Weight Watchers, are similarly based on a 1,200 caloric intake, just hidden behind a “point” system so it doesn't feel like calorie counting.

Can I lose 2 pounds a week on Weight Watchers? ›

*‎People following the WW program can expect to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week. Plus, research shows that changing what you eat and increasing physical activity leads to more weight loss than just altering what's on your plate.

Why am I losing weight so slowly on WeightWatchers? ›

Your age, lifestyle, biological sex, and even medical history can affect how quickly or slowly you'll lose weight. Understanding these factors can help you have realistic expectations for your journey and sidestep any frustration when it feels like it's taking longer than you thought it would.

What is the failure rate of WeightWatchers? ›

So, let's look again at the assertion that 57% of people in the WeightWatchers Success Registry maintained their weight over one year of follow-up, and 43% experienced weight regain of more than five pounds.

What is the trick to WeightWatchers? ›

Here's How to Succeed on the New Weight Watchers Program
  • Incorporate as many zero Points® foods as possible. Have you seen the zero Points® food list yet? ...
  • Drink lots of water. ...
  • Plan it all out. ...
  • Make smart swaps for your cravings. ...
  • Use your slow cooker. ...
  • Get active—and make it fun! ...
  • Bank up your points for one delicious treat.
Jan 9, 2018

What is the average monthly weight loss on WeightWatchers? ›

Monthly Weight Loss on Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers encourages healthy eating and discourages food deprivation. While following a WW plan, you can expect to lose an average of 8 pounds a month, or 2 pounds a week. This is a realistic and healthy goal to aim for, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Do most people lose weight on WeightWatchers? ›

*At 6 months, participants in a clinical trial of the WeightWatchers® weight-loss program lost an average of 9.7 lbs (5% of body weight). And, people who track their food more often lose more weight. When actual WW members track their food at least two times a week for 6 months they lose on average 16.6 lbs.

How many pounds did Oprah lose on WeightWatchers? ›

When Winfrey joined WeightWatchers, she said she had lost 40 pounds on the program. The star has long been vocal about struggles with her weight and appearance, speaking publicly about yo-yo and fad dieting.

What did Oprah use to lose weight? ›

Winfrey, who in December admitted to using weight loss medication, empathized with the guests who shared why they turned to prescription medications such as Ozempic, Mounjaro, Victoza and Wegovy. "This is what I got for the first time after I took the medication.

Why are they closing WeightWatchers? ›

WeightWatchers embracing weight-loss drugs and closing more locations. After decades of emphasizing personal responsibility and behavior change, WeightWatchers is embracing clinical weight loss treatments and is cutting back on the in-person meetings that once defined the company.

What is the downside of Weight Watchers? ›

What is negative about Weight Watchers? Weight Watchers lacks education when it comes to nutrition and learning about why and how the foods you eat affect your weight. You also can't follow the points system outside WW, making the plan hard to continue after canceling your subscription.

How can I speed up weight loss on Weight Watchers? ›

Most diets, including Weight Watchers, recommend combining physical activity with healthy eating to maximize weight loss. Workouts burn calories, plus the University of Michigan explains that regular exercise can increase your resting energy expenditure (REE) — the number of calories your body burns at rest.

Do you lose inches before pounds? ›

A decrease in your size but not on the scale may be caused by losing fat while gaining muscle at the same time. Other causes may be temporary water retention or a weight loss plateau. If you're trying to lose weight, you might be using a scale to gauge your progress.

How to lose 10 lbs in 2 weeks? ›

Strategies For Losing 10 Pounds In Two Weeks (More Realistically In A Month)
  1. Eat Fewer Calories. ...
  2. Avoid Processed Foods. ...
  3. Try Some High-Intensity Workouts. ...
  4. Try Intermittent Fasting. ...
  5. Lower Your Intake Of Sodium. ...
  6. Get Some Expert Help.
Jan 14, 2023

Why is weight loss so slow on WW? ›

Many individuals struggle with not losing weight on WW, and the reality is that Weight Watchers, like many other diets, does not lead to clinically significant weight loss, especially in the long-term. The body is wired to conserve energy when calories are restricted, which means WW quickly becomes counterproductive.

What is the best diet to lose belly fat? ›

Focusing on plant-based foods, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Choosing lean sources of protein, such as fish and low-fat dairy products. Limiting processed meats, as well as the saturated fat that's found in meat and high-fat dairy products, such as cheese and butter.

What is the weight loss limit per month? ›

Most experts recommend aiming for 1-2 pounds of weight loss per week, which equates to roughly 4-8 pounds in a month. Those with more excess weight may see slightly faster loss initially. The key is losing at a gradual rate through calorie deficit rather than drastic measures.

What is the failure rate of Weight Watchers? ›

So, let's look again at the assertion that 57% of people in the WeightWatchers Success Registry maintained their weight over one year of follow-up, and 43% experienced weight regain of more than five pounds.

What are weight loss milestones on Weight Watchers? ›

Members are for 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150, 175, and 200lb weight loss.

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