Is Fighting in the Early Stages of a Relationship Bad? Normal vs. Red Flag Issues (2024)

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1Is it normal to fight a lot at the beginning of a relationship?

2When do couples normally start fighting?

3What should I expect from the first fight?

4How do you fight in a healthy way?

5Red Flags to Watch Out For

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Co-authored byConnell Barrettand Madeleine Criglow

Last Updated: January 28, 2024Fact Checked

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When it comes to relationships, fights are surprisingly common. It's rare, if not impossible, for two people to get along 100% of the time. If you just started dating your partner, though, you might feel like it's a little early to be arguing. This article is here to help you learn more about fights in romantic relationships. We've got some information on when the first big disagreements come up (it might be earlier than you were expecting) as well as some tips on how to fight in a respectful, healthy way. If you're concerned about the conflict in your relationship, we've also got a list of red flags to watch out for just in case.

Section 1 of 5:

Is it normal to fight a lot at the beginning of a relationship?

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  1. Some fighting is normal in relationships, and it might not be a bad sign. Most, if not all, couples fight at some point. If you're fighting sooner in your relationship than you expected, it might just mean the two of you are self-assured and opinionated (ultimately positive qualities). Notice how you and your partner treat each other during your disagreement. As long as you both remain empathetic and understanding, fighting early in the relationship might not be a bad thing at all.[1]

    • Alternatively, if you or your partner is insulting or mistreating the other, or you're fighting over big issues like infidelity or lying, that might be a red flag.
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Section 2 of 5:

When do couples normally start fighting?

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  1. It's common to start fighting after the honeymoon phase is over. Every couple is different, but this period in a relationship usually lasts between 3 months and 2 years. During the honeymoon phase, higher levels of dopamine and oxytocin are released in your brain.[2] These chemicals are usually responsible for that passionate, overwhelming feeling of falling in love. As you get to know each other, that passion may subside, and you might start noticing your differences.

    • If you have your first fight earlier than 3 months in, that doesn't mean your relationship is doomed. Just make sure that you're both listening to each other, empathizing with the other's perspective, and finding solutions.

Section 3 of 5:

What should I expect from the first fight?

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  1. 1

    You might notice things you don't like about your partner. During the honeymoon phase of the relationship, you usually overlook any of your partner's less redeemable qualities. Even if you do notice these differences, you might ignore them (they're gorgeous, funny, and smart—who cares if they don't clean up after themselves?). After your first fight, you might see your partner as only human, flaws and all.[3]

    • If these flaws aren't dealbreakers for you, then try to look past them and remember the good in your partner. Remind yourself that you have flaws, too, and accept them for who they are.
    • Perhaps these flaws are dealbreakers (lack of commitment or lying are pretty big ones). In that case, voice your concerns respectfully and see if their behavior changes.
    • You could say, "I completely understand that you're friends with your ex, but I'd appreciate if you were honest with me about when you see each other."
  2. 2

    You may feel more comfortable being honest going forward. When you first start dating, you're still getting to know each other. You might not feel ready to voice your concerns or state your boundaries because you don't want to scare them off. After your first fight, the two of you have established that you can get through conflict and still want to be with each other. This helps you feel more comfortable being yourself and addressing your needs.[4]

    • Be open and honest about your boundaries and needs in your relationship, even if you've only been dating a few months. The early stages of the relationship are a great opportunity to establish what does and doesn't work for you.
    • You might say, "I can be a little sensitive sometimes. It's important to me that if we ever have a disagreement, we don't raise our voices or yell at each other."
    • Going too long without speaking up might actually harm your relationship more than a fight, as it could lead to resentment and misunderstandings.
  3. 3

    You'll learn how the two of you handle conflict. Everyone handles disagreements differently. Your first fight is an opportunity to see how you and your partner fight, and whether either of you has room to learn and grow in this department.[5]

    • You might realize that you have a hard time listening to your partner when you're upset with them, for example. Instead of beating yourself up about this, try to see it as an opportunity to grow and work on listening to your partner going forward.
    • You might consider talking to your partner about your fight after things have cooled off. You could say something like, "I feel like things got a little heated and I'm sorry about that. Next time we disagree, I'll try my best to stay calm."
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Section 4 of 5:

How do you fight in a healthy way?

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  1. 1

    Have empathy for your partner's perspective. Even if you don't agree, try to put yourself in your partner's shoes.[6] See what they're saying from their perspective, and express to them that you respect their point of view.[7]

    • "I was a little sad that you didn't invite me along to see that movie with you, but I understand that you needed some alone time."
    • "I get that it hurt when I didn't respond to your text. That would hurt my feelings, too."
  2. 2

    Listen to what your partner has to say. Turn off your phone and give your partner your full attention when you're working through a disagreement. Rather than focusing on what you'll say in response, pay attention to their words and what they're sharing with you.[8] To clarify what they're saying, try rephrasing what they've said in your own words. This can help you avoid misunderstandings and show that you're making an effort to understand their perspective, even if you don't see eye to eye.[9]

    • "I think I understand. You wish I would make more of an effort to plan dates for us."
    • "I get it. You're frustrated that I spend so much time on my phone."
  3. 3

    If you don't understand your partner's point of view, ask questions. This shows that you're making an effort to see things from their point of view.[10] It can also help you learn more about your partner so that you can avoid this disagreement in the future.[11]

    • "I know you're frustrated that I haven't been making enough time for you. What could I do that would make you feel better?"
    • "I'm a little confused and I want to understand. Could you let me know what I said that offended you?"
  4. 4

    Take a break if things are getting too heated. Perhaps you two have been talking through the issue and are only getting more upset. In that case, calmly let your partner know that you need a break before you can keep talking about the subject. Excuse yourself for a few minutes or meet up later in the day to work out the issue. This can help you avoid saying things you'll regret and give you some time to decompress.[12]

    • "I want to work through this with you, but I think I need some time to decompress and calm down."
    • "I'm having trouble articulating how I feel right now. I need a few minutes to think about this before we keep talking."
  5. 5

    Find a compromise. In order to move on from your disagreement, try to come up with a solution that you both feel good about. Talk about what each of you needs in order to feel better, and then make a plan to change going forward. That way, the two of you can get back to having fun and enjoying each other's company.[13]

    • Maybe your partner likes texting all day, but you don't like spending time on your phone. You might agree to check in with each other over text 1-2 times a day as a compromise.
    • Perhaps you're frustrated that you always end up paying the bill when you go out. Agree to split the check or take turns paying going forward.
  6. 6

    Apologize if the situation calls for it. Everyone messes up sometimes, so if the fight is a result of a mistake you made, don't be so hard on yourself. Give your partner a sincere apology, promise to change your behavior going forward, and forgive yourself.[14]

    • "I'm so sorry I forgot to pick you up from work. I was so distracted today, but that's no excuse. I'll make sure I follow through next time."
  7. 7

    Practice forgiveness if you'd like to move forward. Everyone makes mistakes, and it's necessary to forgive your partner in order to keep moving forward with your relationship. If, however, your partner did something serious or really hurt you, it's okay to take some time to think about it.[15]

    • If you'd like to forgive your partner, but are having trouble doing that, try to see the issue from their perspective or remind yourself of a time that you messed up. That might make forgiveness a little easier.
    • You may decide that you can't forgive your partner for what they did. In that case, it might be time to walk away from the relationship. This might be painful, but remember that there are other people out there who will treat you the way you want to be treated.
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You aren’t feeling super happy or comfortable in your relationship—but is it really time to end things, or are you two just going through a rough patch? While the future of your relationship is ultimately in your hands, you’re not alone as you wrestle with this tough question. Take this quiz to get a second opinion on the status of your relationship—and whether it’s worth sticking things out or not.

1 of 15

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Section 5 of 5:

Red Flags to Watch Out For

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  1. 1

    Fighting about important things like values. Values might include the commitment level you're looking for in a relationship, your political and religious views, or your belief in institutions like marriage. Though it's totally possible to date someone who holds different personal beliefs, fighting over fundamentally different views like this early on might suggest that the two of you aren't compatible.

    • Perhaps one of you wants to be in a monogamous relationship, while the other doesn't want anything exclusive. Fighting about this might mean that you're not looking for the same thing.
    • It's also possible that the two of you can work out your differences through empathy and compromise. Just make sure that you're not ignoring your values or needs in order to stay in the relationship.
  2. 2

    Arguments about your future as a couple. Having fundamentally different ideas about the future for your relationship early on likely won't change. Though it's totally possible to grow with your partner and realize you want a more serious relationship over time, it's best to date someone for the person they are right now (and not who you hope they will become).[16]

    • Perhaps your partner wants to have kids, but you don't think you want to start a family.
    • Maybe you eventually want to move to a new city, but your partner wants to stay where you are.
  3. 3

    Big mistakes like infidelity or lying. Everyone makes mistakes, but these issues might be red flags early on in the relationship. If your partner or you are struggling to remain faithful or tell the truth, that might mean your relationship is not starting off with a solid foundation.[17]

    • Whether you decide to forgive your partner is entirely up to you. Some couples are able to work through infidelity and become stronger than before.
    • If you do decide to forgive your partner and it happens again, it might be time to walk away.
  4. 4

    Constant criticism, mistreatment, or abuse. Emotional and physical abuse early on in the relationship is a major red flag, and it's likely that it will only get more serious as the relationship continues. If your partner is putting you down, disregarding your boundaries, or physically threatening or hurting you, it is always the right decision to walk away. Warning signs of abuse include:[18]

    • Insulting you and making you feel like you can't do anything right
    • Extreme jealousy or attempting to isolate you from your friends and family
    • Lying, manipulation, and gaslighting
    • Pressuring you to have sex or do things that you don't want to do
    • Physically threatening or hurting you in any way
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      • If you can't seem to reach a solution but would like to stay together, you might consider talking to a couple's counselor. They can help you work through your issues and give you some communication strategies.[19]


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      Is Fighting in the Early Stages of a Relationship Bad? Normal vs. Red Flag Issues (24)


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      More References (10)

      1. Connell Barrett. Dating Coach. Expert Interview. 24 September 2019.

      About This Article

      Is Fighting in the Early Stages of a Relationship Bad? Normal vs. Red Flag Issues (39)

      Co-authored by:

      Connell Barrett

      Dating Coach

      This article was co-authored by Connell Barrett and by wikiHow staff writer, Madeleine Criglow. Connell Barrett is a Relationship Expert and the Founder and Executive Coach of Dating Transformation in New York City. Connell has over five years of experience as an international coach who helps men connect with women by unlocking their best, true, most confident selves. He is the author of the Amazon bestseller “Dating Sucks but You Don’t,” and has appeared on Good Morning America, the "Today" show, Access Hollywood, and in Best Life, Cosmopolitan, and The Oprah Magazine. In 2019 he was named's “New York City’s Best Male Dating Coach." This article has been viewed 123,670 times.

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      Updated: January 28, 2024


      Categories: Relationships

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      Is Fighting in the Early Stages of a Relationship Bad? Normal vs. Red Flag Issues (2024)


      Is Fighting in the Early Stages of a Relationship Bad? Normal vs. Red Flag Issues? ›

      As long as you both remain empathetic and understanding, fighting early in the relationship might not be a bad thing at all. Alternatively, if you or your partner is insulting or mistreating the other, or you're fighting over big issues like infidelity or lying, that might be a red flag.

      Is fighting early in a relationship a red flag? ›

      Most relationship experts agree that fighting in the early stages of a relationship isn't a red flag depending on what happens after you fight. It's important to be able to move forward together once you've fought, and healthy conflict resolution is a key part of that.

      How much fighting in a relationship is unhealthy? ›

      If you are in a relationship in which you find yourself having verbal disagreements daily or more disagreements than agreements, this would be considered unhealthy,” Jackson says. So the key is that an average couple in a healthy relationship has more positive experiences than disagreements.

      Is it normal to have a fighting phase in a relationship? ›

      An important thing to remember is that arguments are normal. They can even be healthy, but constant fighting is a sign of a serious relationship problem, and is detrimental to both your and your partner's mental health. If you want to learn how to stop fighting in a relationship, don't be afraid to reach out for help.

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      There is no emotional or physical connection or intimacy. You have differing goals in life. You no longer trust each other. You can't imagine a future together.

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      If you have your first fight earlier than 3 months in, that doesn't mean your relationship is doomed. Just make sure that you're both listening to each other, empathizing with the other's perspective, and finding solutions.

      Is it bad to fight in the beginning of a relationship? ›

      According to relationship coach Megan Luscombe, far from being a cause for concern, arguing in the early stages can actually be a great opportunity to strengthen a relationship if it's managed in the right way and respect is shown towards each other.

      What is the 3 day rule after an argument? ›

      The 3 day rule after argument is a common practice in relationships where individuals agree to take a 3 day relationship break from each other after a heated disagreement. During this time, both parties cool off, reflect on their feelings/thoughts, and avoid communication with each other.

      What is a healthy fight in a relationship? ›

      A healthy fight is when each partner is respecting each other's values and beliefs, even when they contrast.

      Do couples fight a lot in the beginning? ›

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      Benson's central recommendation is that dating and cohabiting couples should have a serious discussion about the future of their relationship and where it is going within two years, and if the relationship is not headed toward marriage by then, it is time to end it.

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      Conflict is normal in any relationship. In fact, it's all part of the process of figuring out who you are together. But constant arguing after 3 months is a red flag. In this case, you probably need to take a step back and reevaluate whether you two are compatible.

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      “Whether the fear is based on past physical abuse, past sexual abuse, or from the emotional abuse that can result in a fear of what the partner might be mad about today, it's time to get out.” It can be difficult to determine emotional and mental abuse, but if your partner constantly puts you down, makes you feel ...

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      Do you both care more about the relationship than about being right? Or do you struggle with communication, hold onto resentment, and feel like every fight could be the end of the relationship? If your closeness doesn't bounce back after arguments, you might be forcing the connection.

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      They don't respect your boundaries

      They might ask you too many personal questions. They may get too touchy or sexual early on. They may be pushy about ordering more drinks or staying later than you want," she said. "Any one of these behaviors is a boundary issue and a significant red flag."

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      1) They Move 'Full On' Into the Relationship

      If someone gets really interested in you too soon and tries to get close too fast, wave the red flag. If they ask you questions about everything that has happened in your life, you may feel as though they are just really interested and want to get to know you.

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      The six-month mark signifies a period of getting to know each other more deeply. Couples may have discovered common interests, values, and goals, as well as gained insights into each other's personalities, quirks, and preferences. This understanding can strengthen the foundation of the relationship.

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