When you're baking and run out of eggs | Hey Sunny (2024)

Article from kitchn.

It's happened to all of us: the deep craving for brownies hits and you head straight to the kitchen to get baking. You start mixing and stirring, assuming you have all the ingredients, but when it comes to the part where you have to add the eggs, you find there's not a carton in sight in your fridge. The oven's already preheated, your kitchen's smelling all chocolatey and good, and you'd rather not hop in your car and drive to the store. Luckily, you have options. There are a slew of egg substitutes that you might have in your pantry to save the day.

1. Whisk together water, oil, and baking powder.

This is a great substitute if you need to replace multiple eggs in a recipe, as it won't make the baked good too greasy or change its flavor profile (like some other substitutes). A simple combination of water, baking powder, and vegetable oil mimics eggs almost to a T. It's a great option for cookies, quick breads, and brownies.

1 egg = 2 tablespoons water + 2 teaspoons baking powder + 1 teaspoon vegetable oil

2. Reach for some applesauce or mash up a banana.

Both of these substitutes add moisture to the baked good, like eggs, but they can impart a little flavor to the mix (your cookies will probably taste a little reminiscent of banana bread, which isn't necessarily a bad thing). They can also add extra sweetness, as both are naturally sweet, even if you opt for unsweetened applesauce, so you may want to reduce the amount of sugar in the recipe by a tablespoon or so to ensure it's not too sweet.

1 egg = 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce or mashed banana

3. Make a flax egg.

This can also alter the taste of your baked goods slightly — imparting a nutty flavor, which can be nice when you're baking something with whole grains or oats, but maybe less ideal when baking something light and delicate like alemon cake. Once you stir together the ground flax and water in a small bowl, let it rest for five minutes to allow the flax to absorb the water and the mixture to thicken before using it.

1 egg = 1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds and 3 tablespoons of water

4. Embrace aquafaba.

Theliquidin your can of chickpeas might not seem like much of anything, but it is in fact an almost magical egg replacement. If you're worried that your brownies will taste like beans, fear not — any flavor lingering in aquafaba will cook off completely.

1 egg = 3 tablespoons aquafaba

When you're baking and run out of eggs | Hey Sunny (2024)


When you're baking and run out of eggs | Hey Sunny? ›

Substitutes like vinegar and baking soda, plain yogurt or buttermilk can help keep cake light, airy and structurally sound. Replace each egg with 1 teaspoon of baking soda combined with 1 tablespoon of vinegar, ¼ cup of plain yogurt or ¼ cup of buttermilk.

What is a substitute for eggs in baking? ›

Substitutes like vinegar and baking soda, plain yogurt or buttermilk can help keep cake light, airy and structurally sound. Replace each egg with 1 teaspoon of baking soda combined with 1 tablespoon of vinegar, ¼ cup of plain yogurt or ¼ cup of buttermilk.

What to do if you run out of eggs for a cake? ›

Egg replacers
  1. Vinegar & baking soda. Replace 1 egg with: 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 tablespoon vinegar. ...
  2. Unsweetened applesauce. Replace 1 egg with: 1/4 cup applesauce. ...
  3. Plain or vanilla soy yogurt. Replace 1 egg with: 1/4 cup yogurt. ...
  4. Silken tofu. ...
  5. Ripe banana. ...
  6. Ground flaxseed.

What if a recipe calls for 3 eggs and I only have 2? ›

1. Whisk together water, oil, and baking powder. This is a great substitute if you need to replace multiple eggs in a recipe, as it won't make the baked good too greasy or change its flavor profile (like some other substitutes). A simple combination of water, baking powder, and vegetable oil mimics eggs almost to a T.

Can you use oil instead of eggs in cake? ›

For recipes which use eggs primarily as a leavening agent you can try a commercial egg replacement product (see above) or the following mixture: 1-1/2 tablespoons vegetable oil mixed with 1-1/2 tablespoons water and 1 teaspoon baking powder per egg.

What can I use in baking without eggs? ›

Here's what you can use to substitute for eggs in baking and how.
  1. Avocado. ...
  2. Baking Powder and Oil. ...
  3. Mashed Banana. ...
  4. Nut Butters. ...
  5. Aquafaba. ...
  6. Chia Seeds. ...
  7. Flaxseed. ...
  8. Condensed Milk.

What is a substitute for eggs as a binder in baking? ›

For recipes that use eggs as a binder or for moisture, substitutes like applesauce or oil can do the trick. If the eggs act as a leavening agent, try a combination of vinegar and baking powder. It's worth noting that the finished product won't be exactly the same as when you use real eggs.

What if I didn't put enough eggs in my cake? ›

You will end up with an edible cake but it will not turn out as the recipe intended because it won't rise so much and the texture will be denser. It's better to add 2oz or 3–4 tablespoons of something wet to replace the missing egg.

Can I use milk instead of eggs in cake? ›

Using a 1/4 cup of milk or yogurt in place of eggs is perfect for baked goods where moisture is key, such as cakes or muffins. (Vegans can use plant-based milks or yogurt in its place.

Is mayonnaise a substitute for eggs? ›

If you have a jar of mayo in the fridge, you can use 3 tablespoons in place of one egg. "Mayonnaise has been used as an egg substitute because of its moistening properties and is best suited for cakes with strong flavors, like spice cakes and chocolate cakes," Tutunjian says.

What can I substitute if I run out of eggs? ›

When you're baking and run out of eggs
  • 1 egg = 2 tablespoons water + 2 teaspoons baking powder + 1 teaspoon vegetable oil.
  • 1 egg = 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce or mashed banana.
  • 1 egg = 1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds and 3 tablespoons of water.
  • 1 egg = 3 tablespoons aquafaba.

Can I use mayo instead of eggs in brownies? ›

It's a swap that makes sense since mayonnaise is made of mostly oil and egg. It provides moisture, which keeps the baked goods soft and tender, just like oil does.

Can I replace eggs with milk in brownies? ›

You can use 4 tablespoons of milk, ¼ cup of mashed banana or ¼ cup of unsweetened apple sauce in place of each egg required in a box brownie mix.

What to do if you don't have enough eggs? ›

You can replace eggs in recipes with a variety of other foods, including applesauce, ground flaxseed, yogurt, and some kinds of tofu. Eggs are incredibly healthy and versatile, making them a popular food for many. They're especially common in baking, where nearly every recipe calls for them.

What happens when you bake without eggs? ›

Water. If the cupboard is truly bare, then water can actually work wonders to replace an egg in a cake. You won't get quite the same structure or lift, but it plays its part in adding a liquid component to a recipe and activating any raising agents.

What happens if I forgot the eggs in my cake? ›

The finished cake may be slightly shorter than expected, but its flavor and tenderness shouldn't be affected.”

Can I substitute mayo for eggs? ›

If you have a jar of mayo in the fridge, you can use 3 tablespoons in place of one egg. "Mayonnaise has been used as an egg substitute because of its moistening properties and is best suited for cakes with strong flavors, like spice cakes and chocolate cakes," Tutunjian says.

What happens if you don't use egg in baking? ›

A box cake with no eggs or not enough eggs may be dense or poorly risen or may not hold together properly.

What is a substitute for eggs in box brownies? ›

Baking Powder and Oil: 1 teaspoon vegetable oil + 2 tablespoons water + 2 teaspoons baking powder = 1 large egg. This works great as a substitute in a recipe that uses the egg as a leavening agent and it is made from simple and easy pantry staples.

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