It's All About the Marinade: How to Grill Super Juicy Chicken Wings (2024)

Buffalo, Korean-style, fried—however they're prepared, we love cheap, easy, and crowd-pleasing chicken wings. But, for summer, there's no chicken wing we want more than one that's been marinated and grilled to crispy-juicy perfection. Okay, fine, we don't just want one—we want a dozen. Here's how it's done.

The Marinade

Flavorful chicken wings start with a punchy marinade. We like a Mediterranean-inspired mix of oregano, rosemary, salt, pepper, garlic, and olive oil, but any fresh marinade will help infuse the wings with flavor down to the bone. Resealable plastic bags are your friend here; combine the marinade and wings in one and let it sit for at least an hour before grilling.

The Heat

Build a two-zone fire in a charcoal grill so you've got a hot spot banked with coals and a cooler spot. You want to grill the wings over medium-high heat, turning occasionally until the fat on the chicken skin gets crispy and browned all over. Then you'll cover the grill and let the wings cook through. If you're unsure whether they're done, err on the side of caution and leave them on the grill for a few more minutes more. No one wants an undercooked chicken wing.

The Finish

What do marinated chicken wings need? More marinade, of course. Reserve some extra sauce—separate from any marinade that's touched raw chicken—and spoon over the cooked wings before serving. We promise they'll be eaten faster than you can say, are there any wings left?

Get fired up for grilling season and buy a copy of our June issue.

It's All About the Marinade: How to Grill Super Juicy Chicken Wings (2024)


How long do I cook chicken wings on the grill? ›

With the wings seasoned, it's time to get the grill lit and stabilized to 400ºF. Once the grill has reached temperature, add the wings and close the grill. Allow to cook for 5 minutes, and then flip them all. Continue to flip the wings every 5 minutes until they have cooked for 20-25 minutes in total.

Should you bake chicken wings before grilling? ›

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and bake the wings on a wire rack for 15 minutes, or cook them on the cool side of the grill for 10 minutes per side. Then grill the wings for 5 to 7 minutes per side, or until crispy. Serve hot, at room temperature or chilled.

How long to grill wings at 400 degrees? ›

When the internal temperature of the grill reaches 400 degrees, place the seasoned wings on the grill grates in a circle around the heat. Cover the grill and grill wings for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, flip the wings. Flip the wings again after 10 more minutes.

How long is too long to marinate chicken wings? ›

Can I Marinate Chicken for Too Long? The USDA recommends not keeping poultry in marinade for longer than two days, as it's possible that the marinade will start breaking down the meat's fibers and cause it to become mushy. A good rule of thumb is to keep marinating time under 24 hours.

How do you keep chicken wings from drying out on the grill? ›

Using a brine or marinade is an easy first step in avoiding dry and tough chicken when cooking chicken wings on the grill since it infuses the wings with the necessary moisture to keep the chicken nice and juicy when cooked over high heat on the grill.

Do you close the grill when cooking wings? ›

Place the lid on the grill and let them finish cooking through. Depending on the size of the wings, they should take about 8 to 10 minutes to finish cooking. Use your digital meat thermometer to make sure they've hit the internal temperature of 175°F.

Should I oil my wings before grilling? ›

Prevent Sticking

Toss the wings in a few tablespoons of neutral cooking oil (like canola or vegetable oil), then season with salt and pepper before adding them to the grill. The oil will prevent the chicken from sticking to the grill.

Do you flip chicken wings on the grill? ›

Grill. Add the chicken wings to the grill grates and grill for 15-20 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 170-175 degrees F. Flip every 3-5 minutes. Enjoy. Remove the grilled wings and serve with the dipping sauce.

Do you put sauce on wings before or after grilling? ›

Or dip the chicken wings in sauce after cooking or toss them directly in the sauce after cooking for full immersion, but make sure to serve them right away before the skin softens and the meat cools.

What temperature is best for cooking wings? ›

A surface temperature of about 425°F (218°C) is what you're after. This direct cooking over a medium-high heat gives the skin a nice crispness without fear of burning. Chicken wings, being dark meat, are safe to eat at 165°F (74°C), but they won't be as tasty as they could be until 175°F (79°C).

What are the three main ingredients when marinating? ›

A typical marinade is made up of three essential components: an acid (such as vinegar, wine, or citrus), an oil (such as olive oil or sesame oil), and a flavouring agent (such as herbs and spices).

Do you wash chicken wings before marinade? ›

"Washing can spread germs from the chicken to other food or utensils in the kitchen." We didn't mean to get you all hot about not washing your chicken! But it's true: kill germs by cooking chicken thoroughly, not washing it. You shouldn't wash any poultry, meat, or eggs before cooking.

Does chicken get tough if marinated too long? ›

Avoid over-marinating

While you can cook and eat chicken that has been marinating for more than 24 hours, you're risking exposing yourself to some strange textures. Chicken can get both mushy and tough when it's been left to marinate too long. If it's been more than 48 hours, the USDA recommends throwing it out.

Should you grill chicken wings whole or cut? ›

You can buy wings either whole or with the "flats" and drumettes separated. I prefer to grill whole wings because they are easier to move around on the grill and keep intact.

How long to grill chicken wings at 375? ›

How Long To Grill Wings. We recommend grilling chicken wings at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 35 minutes, turning them halfway through the process.

How long should I cook my wings? ›

In an oven preheated to 375 degrees F, the 10 wings should be fully crisped and cooked in about 30 to 45 minutes. An instant read thermometer inserted into the meat (but not touching the bone) should read at least 165 degrees F.

Do you grill chicken wings on direct or indirect heat? ›

Place the chicken wings over the indirect heat (no charcoal side or unlit burners), and cook for 15 minutes per side. After 30 minutes, move the wings to the direct heat side and cook for about 5 minutes total, flipping frequently. You want the color of the skin to turn a golden brown.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.