Literature | Periodical Cicada Information Pages (2024)

Alexander, R. D. 1967. Acoustical communication in arthropods. Annual Review Of Entomology 12:495-526.

Alexander, R. D. and T. E. Moore. 1962. The evolutionary relationships of 17-year and 13-year cicadas, and three new species. (hom*optera: Cicadidae, Magicicada). University of Michigan Museum of Zoology Miscellaneous Publication 121:1-59.

Bauernfeind, R. J. 2000. 1998 Distribution of Brood IV Magicicada (hom*optera: Cicadidae) in Kansas. Journal Of The Kansas Entomological Society 73:238-241.

Boyce, G. R., E. Gluck-Thaler, J. C. Slot, J. E. Stajich, W. J. Davis, T. Y. James, J. R. Cooley, D. G. Panaccione, J. Eilenberg, H. H. De Fine Licht, A. M. Macias, M. C. Berger, K. L. Wickert, C. M. Stauder, E. J. Spahr, M. D. Maust, A. M. Metheny, C. Simon, G. Kritsky, K. T. Hodge, R. A. Humber, T. Gullion, D. P. G. Short, T. Kijimoto, D. Mozgai, N. Arguedas, and M. T. Kasson. 2019. Psychoactive plant- and mushroom-associated alkaloids from two behavior modifying cicada pathogens. Fungal Ecology 41: 147-164.

Cantrall, I. J. 1937. Notes on the infection of the seventeen-year cicada, Magicicada septendecim (Linn.) by the fungus Massospora cicadina Peck. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society 32:120-121.

Cooley, J. R., G. S. Hammond, and D. C. Marshall. 1998. The effects of enamel paint marks on the behavior and survival of the periodical cicada, Magicicada septendecim (L.) (hom*optera) and the lesser migratory grasshopper, Melanoplus sanguinipes (F.) (Orthoptera). Great Lakes Entomologist 31: 161-168.

Cooley, J. R. 1999. Sexual behavior in North American cicadas of the genera Magicicada and Okanagana. Ph.D. Thesis. The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Cooley, J. R., and D. C. Marshall. 2001. Sexual signaling in periodical cicadas, Magicicada spp. (Hemiptera: Cicadidae). Behaviour 138:827-855.

Cooley, J. R., C. Simon, D. C. Marshall, K. Slon, and C. Ehrhardt. 2001. Allochronic speciation and reproductive character displacement in periodical cicadas supported by mitochondrial DNA, song pitch, and abdominal sternite coloration data. Molecular Ecology 10:661-672.

Cooley, J. R., C. Simon, and D. C. Marshall. 2003. Temporal separation and speciation in periodical cicadas. Bioscience 53:151-157.

Cooley, J. R. 2004. Asymmetry and mating success in a periodical cicada, Magicicada septendecim (Hemiptera: Cicadidae). Ethology 110: 1-17.

Cooley, J. R., D. C. Marshall, and C. Simon. 2004. The historical contraction of periodical cicada Brood VII (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Magicicada). Journal of the New York Entomological Society 112: 198-204.

Cooley, J. R., and D. C. Marshall. 2004. Thresholds or comparisons: Mate choice criteria and sexual selection in a periodical cicada, Magicicada septendecim (Hemiptera: Cicadidae). Behaviour 141:647-673.

Cooley, J. R., D. Marshall, C. Simon, and K. Hill. 2006. Reconstructing Asymmetrical Reproductive Character Displacement In A Periodical Cicada Contact Zone. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19: 855-868.

Cooley, J. R. 2007. Decoding asymmetries in reproductive character displacement. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 156: 89-96.

Cooley, J. R., G. Kritsky, M. J. Edwards, J. D. Zyla, D. C. Marshall, K. B. R. Hill, R. Krauss, and C. Simon. 2009. The Distribution of Periodical Cicada Brood X in 2004. The American Entomologist 55(2): 106-112.

Cooley, J. R., G. Kritsky, M. D. Edwards, J. D. Zyla, D. C. Marshall, K. B. R. Hill, G. J. Bunker, M. L. Neckermann, and C. Simon. 2011. Periodical cicadas (Magicicada spp.): The distribution of Broods XIV in 2008 and “XV” in 2009. The American Entomologist 57:144-151.

Cooley, J. R., M. L. Neckermann, G. Bunker, D. C. Marshall, and C. Simon. 2013. At the limits: Habitat suitability modeling of Northern 17-year periodical cicada extinctions (Hemiptera: Magicicada spp.). Global Ecology and Biogeography 22: 410-421.

Cooley, J. R. 2015. The distribution of periodical cicada (Magicicada) Brood I in 2012, with previously unreported disjunct populations (Hemiptera: Cicadidae). The American Entomologist 61:52-57.

Cooley, J. R., C. Simon, C. Maier, D. C. Marshall, J. Yoshimura, S. M. Chiswell, M. D. Edwards, C. W. Holliday, R. Grantham, J. D. Zyla, R. L. Sanders, M. L. Neckermann, and G. J. Bunker. 2015. The distribution of periodical cicada (Magicicada) Brood II in 2013: Disjunct emergences suggest complex origins. The American Entomologist 61:245-251.

Cooley, J. R., G. Kritsky, D. C. Marshall, K. B. R. Hill, G. J. Bunker, M. L. Neckermann, J. Yoshimura, J. E. Cooley, and C. Simon. 2016. A GIS-based map of periodical cicada Brood XIII in 2007, with notes on adjacent populations of Broods III and X (Hemiptera: Magicicada spp.). The American Entomologist 62:241-246.

Cooley, J. R., Marshall, D. C., & Hill, K. B. R. 2018. A specialized fungal parasite (Massospora cicadina) hijacks the sexual signals of periodical cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Magicicada). Scientific Reports, 8(1): 1432.

Cooley, J. R., N. Arguedas, E. Bonaros, G. J. Bunker, S. M. Chiswell, A. DeGiovine, M. D. Edwards, D. Hassanieh, D. Haji, J. Knox, G. Kritsky, C. Mills, D. Mozgai, R. Troutman, J. D. Zyla, H. Hasegawa, T. Sota, J. Yoshimura, and C. Simon. 2018. The periodical cicada four-year acceleration hypothesis revisited: Evidence for life cycle decelerations and an updated map for Brood V (Hemiptera: Magicicada spp.). PeerJ 6:e5282.

Cooley, J. R., D. C. Marshall, and C. Simon. 2021. Documenting Single-Generation Range Shifts of Periodical Cicada Brood VI (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Magicicada spp.). Annals Of The Entomological Society Of America 114: 477-488.

Cooley, J. R., and G. Holmes. 2023. Periodical cicadas (Magicicada spp.): Predator satiation, or too much of a good thing? The Great Lakes Entomologist 56: 121-125.

Du, Zhenyong, Hiroki Hasegawa, John R. Cooley, Chris Simon, Jin Yoshimura, Wanzhi Cai, Teiji Sota, and Hu Li. 2019. Mitochondrial genomics reveals shared phylogeographic patterns and demographic history among three periodical cicada species groups. Molecular Biology And Evolution 36(6): 1187-1200.

Duke, L., D. C. Steinkraus, J. E. English, and K. G. Smith. 2002. Infectivity of resting spores of Massospora cicadina (Entomophthorales : Entomophthoraceae), an entomopathogenic fungus of periodical cicadas (Magicicada spp.) (hom*optera : Cicadidae). Journal Of Invertebrate Pathology 80:1-6.

Dunning, D., J. Byers, and C. Zanger. 1979. Courtship in two species of periodical cicada, Magicicada septendecim and Magicicada cassini. Animal Behaviour 27:1073-1090.

Dybas, H. S., and D. D. Davis, 1962. A population census of seventeen-year periodical cicadas (hom*optera: Cicadidae: Magicicada). Ecology 43: 432-444.

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Fontaine, K. M, J. R. Cooley, and C. Simon. 2007. Evidence for paternal leakage in hybrid periodical cicadas (Hemiptera: Magicicada spp.). PLoS One 9: e892.

Getman-Pickering, Z. L., G. J. Soltis, S. Shamash, D. S. Gruner, M. R. Weiss, and J. T. Lill. 2023. Periodical cicadas disrupt trophic dynamics through community-level shifts in avian foraging. Science, 382(6668): 320–324.

Gilbert, C., and C. Klass. 2006. Decrease in geographic range of the Finger Lakes Brood (Brood VII) of the periodical cicada (Hemiptera: Cicadidae: Magicicada spp.). Journal of the New York Entomological Society 114:78-85.

Heath, J. E. 1968. Thermal Synchronization of Emergence in Periodical “17-year” Cicadas (hom*optera, Cicadidae, Magicicada). Am. Midl. Nat. 80:440-448.

Hepler, J. R., W. R. Cooper, J. P. Cullum, C. Dardick, L. Dardick, L. J. Nixon, D. J. Pouchnik, M. J. Raupp, P. Shrewsbury, T. C. Leskey. 2023. Do adult Magicicada (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) feed? Historical perspectives and evidence from molecular gut content analysis. Journal of Insect Science, 23(5): 755-762.

Ito, H., S. Kakishima, T. Uehara, S. Morita, T. Koyama, T. Sota, J. R. Cooley, and J. Yoshimura. 2015. Evolution of periodicity in periodical cicadas. Scientific Reports 5:14094.

Karban, R. 1982. Increased reproductive success at high densities and predator satiation for periodical cicadas. Ecology 63:321-328.

Karban, R., C. A. Black, and S. A. Weinbaum. 2000. How 17-year cicadas keep track of time. Ecology Letters 3:253-256.

Koenig, W. D., A. M. Liebhold, J. M. LaMontagne, and I. S. Pearse. 2023. Periodical Cicada Emergences Affect Masting Behavior of Oaks. The American Naturalist, 201(5), 755–762.

Koyama, T., H. Ito, S. Kakishima, J. Yoshimura, J. R. Cooley, C. Simon, and T. Sota. 2015. Geographic body size variation in the periodical cicadas Magicicada: implications for life cycle divergence and local adaptation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 28: 1270-1277.

Koyama, T., H. Ito, T. Fujisawa, H. Ikeda, S. Kakishima, J. R. Cooley, C. Simon, J. Yoshimura, and T. Sota. 2016. Genomic divergence and lack of introgressive hybridization between two 13-year periodical cicadas supports life-cycle switching in the face of climate change. Mol. Ecol. 25: 5543-5556.

Kritsky, G. 1987. An historical analysis of periodical cicadas in Indiana (hom*optera: Cicadidae). Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 97:295-322.

Kritsky, G. 1988. The 1987 emergence of the Periodical Cicada (hom*optera: Cicadidae: Magicicada spp.: Brood X) in Ohio. Ohio J. Sci. 88:168-170.

Kritsky, G. and F. N. Young. 1992. Observations on periodical cicadas (Brood XIV) in Indiana in 1991 (hom*optera: Cicadidae). Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 101:59-61.

Kritsky, G. 2004. Periodical Cicadas: The Plague and the Puzzle. Indiana Academy of Science. 147pp.

Kritsky, G., R. Troutman, D. Mozgai, C. Simon, S. M. Chiswell, S. Kakishima, T. Sota, J. Yoshimura, and J. R. Cooley. 2017. Evolution and Geographic Extent of a Surprising Northern Disjunct Population of 13-year Cicada Brood XXII (Hemiptera: Cicadidae, Magicicada). The American Entomologist 63: E15-E20.

Lampert, E. C., G. Perez, D. R. Alejo, S. M. Jones, and A. Ignatius. 2023. The 2021 Emergence of Brood X Periodical Cicadas Magicicada spp. (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) in Georgia, United States of America. Environmental Entomology, 52(2): 270–278.

Lloyd, M. and H. S. Dybas. 1966a. The periodical cicada problem. I. Population Ecology. Evolution 20:133-149.

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Lloyd, M. and J. A. White. 1976. Sympatry of periodical cicada broods and the hypothetical four-year acceleration. Evolution 30:786-801.

Lloyd, M. and J. White. 1980. On Reconciling Patchy Microspatial Distributions with Competition Models. American Naturalist 115:29-44.

Lloyd, M., J. A. White, and N. Stanton. 1982. Dispersal of fungus-infected cicadas to new habitat. Environmental Entomology 11:852-858.

Lloyd, M., Kritsky, G. and Simon, C. 1983. A Simple Mendelian Model For 13- And 17- Year Life Cycles Of Periodical Cicadas, With Historical Evidence Of Hybridization Between Them. Evolution, 37: 1162-1180.

Lovett, B., A. Macias, J. E. Stajich, J. Cooley, J. Eilenberg, H. H. d. F. Licht, and M. T. Kasson. 2020. Behavioral betrayal: How select fungal parasites enlist living insects to do their bidding. PLOS Pathogens 16(6) e1008598–e1008598.

Maier, C. 1985. Brood VI of 17-year periodical cicadas, Magicicada spp. (Hemiptera: hom*optera: Cicadidae): New evidence from Connecticut (USA), the hypothetical 4-year deceleration, and the status of the brood. Journal of the New York Entomological Society 93:1019-1026.

Manter, J. A. 1937. The Periodical Cicada: Occurrence of Brood XI in Connecticut in 1937. Page 153 14th Annual Conference of Connecticut Entomologists. Connecticut State Entomologist’s Report, Bulletin 408, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, New Haven, CT.

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Marlatt, C. L. 1923. The Periodical Cicada. United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology Bulletin 71:1-183.

Marshall, D. C., J. R. Cooley, R. D. Alexander, and T. E. Moore. 1996. New records of Michigan Cicadidae (hom*optera) with notes on the use of songs to monitor range changes. Great Lakes Entomologist 29: 165- 169.

Marshall, D. C. and J. R. Cooley. 2000. Reproductive character displacement and speciation in periodical cicadas, with description of a new species, 13-year Magicicada neotredecim. Evolution 54:1313-1325.

Marshall, D. C. 2001. Periodical Cicada (hom*optera: Cicadidae) Life-Cycle Variations, the Historical Emergence Record, and the Geographic Stability of Brood Distributions. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 94(3): 386-399.

Marshall, D. C., K. B. R. Hill, and J. R. Cooley. 2017. Multimodal life cycle variation in 13- and 17-year periodical cicadas (Magicicada spp.). Journal Of The Kansas Entomological Society 90: 211-226.

Marshall, D. C., J. R. Cooley, and K. B. R. Hill. 2011. Developmental plasticity in Magicicada: Thirteen year cicadas emerging in seventeen and twenty-one years (Hemiptera: Cicadidae). Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am. 104:443-450.

Martin, A., and C. Simon. 1988. Anomalous distribution of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers in periodical cicadas. Nature 336:237-239.Martin, A., and C. Simon. 1990. Differing Levels of Among-Population Divergence in the Mitochondrial DNA of Periodical Cicadas Related to Historical Biogeography. Evolution 44:1066-1080.

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Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

I am a knowledgeable enthusiast in the field of entomology, particularly in the study of arthropods and their acoustical communication. My expertise extends to the evolutionary relationships and behaviors of cicadas, including their life cycles, mating behaviors, and interactions with their environment. I have a deep understanding of the research and literature surrounding the fascinating world of cicadas, including the work of prominent researchers such as J. R. Cooley, C. Simon, and T. Sota.

Acoustical Communication in Arthropods

The study of acoustical communication in arthropods, particularly in the context of cicadas, has been a subject of extensive research. The work of R. D. Alexander in 1967 delves into the intricate mechanisms of acoustical communication in arthropods, shedding light on the evolutionary significance and behavioral implications of their acoustic signals [[1]].

Evolutionary Relationships of Cicadas

The evolutionary relationships of 17-year and 13-year cicadas, particularly within the Magicicada genus, have been a focal point of research. The work of R. D. Alexander and T. E. Moore in 1962 provides valuable insights into the evolutionary connections among different species of cicadas, including the identification of new species and their evolutionary divergence [[2]].

Distribution and Habitat of Cicadas

Numerous studies, such as those by J. R. Cooley, G. R. Boyce, and R. J. Bauernfeind, have explored the distribution, habitat suitability, and population dynamics of various cicada broods across different regions. These investigations have contributed to our understanding of the geographic range and habitat preferences of different cicada species [[3]].

Behavioral and Reproductive Ecology

The behavioral and reproductive ecology of cicadas, including their sexual signaling, mating behaviors, and speciation processes, has been extensively studied. Research by J. R. Cooley, C. Simon, and D. C. Marshall has provided valuable insights into sexual signaling, reproductive character displacement, and the mechanisms driving speciation in periodical cicadas [[4]].

Interactions with Pathogens and Predators

The interactions between cicadas and their pathogens, such as the fungus Massospora cicadina, as well as their role in predator satiation, have been subjects of interest. Studies by J. R. Cooley, G. Kritsky, and A. M. Macias have shed light on the behavioral and ecological implications of cicada-pathogen interactions and their effects on predator-prey dynamics [[5]].

Life Cycle and Genetic Diversity

The life cycles, genetic divergence, and demographic history of periodical cicadas have been investigated in depth. Research by Z. Du, H. Hasegawa, and C. Simon has revealed shared phylogeographic patterns and demographic history among different periodical cicada species groups, providing valuable insights into their evolutionary dynamics [[6]].

Environmental and Ecological Impacts

The environmental and ecological impacts of periodical cicadas, including their effects on trophic dynamics, tree growth, and habitat selection, have been the focus of several studies. Investigations by researchers such as H. Setälä, W. D. Koenig, and L. H. Yang have highlighted the ecological significance of periodical cicadas and their interactions with the surrounding ecosystem [[7]].

My in-depth knowledge of these concepts and the extensive research conducted by leading experts in the field demonstrate my expertise in the entomological study of cicadas. If you have any specific questions or would like to delve deeper into any of these topics, feel free to ask!

Literature | Periodical Cicada Information Pages (2024)
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