The Stages of a Relationship Most Couples Go Through | Paired (2024)

Ever found yourself wondering where your relationship is going? If you’ve been with your partner for a while now, it might be time to start thinking about your relationship timeline — where you’re at, and where you want to go.

From the infatuation phases of love through to a healthy sex life and a more committed long-term relationship, no two journeys are the same. But are there specific stages of a relationship that every couple goes through?

No matter what your love story entails, there are usually five stages of relationship growth that most couples can recognize. If you’re wondering where you’re at, considering these classic stages of a romantic relationship can serve as a barometer for where you stand with your partner!

As a disclaimer, this guide is for consensual, monogamous relationships, but we may be able to apply these feelings to romantic partners in other settings. Ready to take it to the next level?

What are the 5 stages of a relationship?

Stage 1: The honeymoon period

The honeymoon phase may be considered one of the most fun parts of any blossoming coupling — and for good reason. This initial stage is full of butterflies and excitement, as you embrace the possibility of a new relationship with someone who you hope to foster an emotional connection with.

This honeymoon stage is also infamous for sexual sparks flying left, right, and center! This chemical attraction is incredible, with the prospect of falling in love triggering the release ofoxytocin, colloquially known as the “love hormone”, anddopamine, the “reward chemical.”

With such a charge of emotions, and hormones buzzing about as you get to know each other, you’re more likely to ignore any ‘quirks’ that they display during this period — as your love goggles prevent you from seeing these red flags!

The early stages are so full of flirting and passionate sex, that it’s easier to ignore these issues early on. They say love is blind, after all. This is why it’s so important to get to know your partner before you start deeming them a soul mate!

While you may not be exclusive yet, the rush of emotions that accompany this stage of the relationship can make you feel like you’ve found the one. This is why it’s so important to get to know your partner and become aware of any incompatibilities before you start deeming them a soul mate!

Thishoneymoon phase doesn’t have a set timeframe, with this stage lasting anywhere between 6 months to 2 years. (While some couples say it has never ended for them!)

Stage 2: Attachment stage

The next stage of your relationship timeline is the attachment stage, where the early thrill of new love begins to settle — and you’re left with something pretty special in its wake.

For some couples, this is the point where they become exclusive, or enter into a committed relationship. As the butterflies fade, this phase is about building trust, so you may start having deeper and more meaningful conversations that define a healthy relationship.

Unlike the previous stage, you aren’t plagued by nerves or uncertainity, so you can both settle into the relationship feeling more supported and comfortable. With all of these things in place, you start to develop a deeper attachment to your loved one, and your true self (beyond the flirty banter) starts to come to the surface.

This is a key crossroads for many couples, as with authenticity can come certain realizations about whether or not they can make the relationship work. At this key commitment stage, it’s important to try and take things slow — as you’re still only early on in your relationship journey.

While couples reach this stage at different points in their journey, it usually takes place around the 1-year to 5-year mark.

Stage 3: The power struggle

Don’t be frightened by the title of this stage, it’s simply a sign of the relationship maturing. As the sheen of the honeymoon phase is wiped away, things start to get real — with doubts starting to creep in.

This isn’t always a bad thing, as you come to accept that both you and your partner aren’t perfect, and are riddled with human flaws! This may also be the moment for your first real argument — with both of you battling it out as you learn about each other’s relationship needs.

There’s no need to hit the panic button, or ring up your local couples therapist — instead, it’s all about learning how to navigate conflict together and have a healthy argument.

While it may seem controversial, you should take these early conflicts as a positive in your relationship. As you learn to reach a healthy conflict resolution and learn about the importance of compromise, you’re able to let your guard down. This vulnerability is crucial to the development of any healthy relationship.

Even though you’ve had your arguments, it’s exposed a whole new side to your relationship — where you can stand by each other, good times and bad.

While this looks at the positive side of these crisis stages, it can be crunch time for many couples. This stage often appears at a certain crossroads in your relationship, commonly known as the “seven-year-itch”, and if you can’t make it through these struggles — it could spell the end of your relationship journey.

Stage 4: Deep attachment stage

The deep attachment stage is for long-term couples who have gotten past an array of relationship obstacles, and who have witnessed an obvious evolution in their journey.

At this point, you have likely done a lot of life together, and feel like you’ve “seen it all”, and are happy leaning into these changes in life.

  • You have now done a lot of life together, and as you have learned to lean into the changes of aging, your sex has grown with you.

  • You have traded in some of the spontaneous energy of those first years for deeper intimacy that only can come with the trust that is built from the continuous work of inching closer to each other.

  • Your priorities may have changed now as you’ve grown together, and perhaps you’ve got married or had children. Each of these changes will present its challenges, many of which may push your relationship to breaking point. You may even need mediators to come in for relationship advice — but in those hard moments, being brave to step out of old patterns to create new ways to connect can make it all worth it.

Just because you made it through the trenches, it doesn’t mean that the hard work is over. Deep love takes compromise, whether that’s in your daily routine or your working life. Those honeymoon days may feel like a distant memory, but in its place, you’re left with trust, compassion, and a myriad of memories.

Stage 5: The wholehearted love stage

You’ve made it through the five stages of a relationship, and have reached the promised land!

At this final stage, you may have fallen in love all over again. This is when you feel like you know each other inside out — your hopes, dreams, qualities, and flaws — and you accept each other for it.

You may have changed as a couple. You’ll be older, wiser, and maybe not in as good shape as you used to be, but your relationship is as good as ever.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you can get complacent. Make an effort to keep the spark alive, with the help of apps like Paired, to breathe new life into every part of your relationship. (Including the bedroom!)

This fifth stage can be the most fulfilling, and ideally, the most secure.

How long do the stages of a relationship last?

It’s important to understand that the relationship life cycle isn’t always linear. In fact, relationship stages can be cyclical. For example, you may revisit the doubts and crises stage if you’re making big life decisions, or you may be back to stage one after seeing a marriage counselor.

In the first cycle, you can expect the first stages to last up to around 18 months, before settling into the deeper stages years into your relationship. There may be breakups and make-ups, but every couple is different.

What is crucial is to keep talking to each other. A truly intimate relationship requires communication, and this may be together or through a relationship expert.

“Couples who are thriving during later in life stages have deeper confidence that when they do disconnect they know how to reconnect,” says Moraya Seeger DeGeare, a marriage and family therapist and In-House Relationship Expert for Paired.

“So maybe in a fight or someone is preoccupied with something else that just must take priority for a moment, they have trust that they will be able to connect and plug back into each other.”

What is the hardest stage of a relationship?

The hardest stage of a relationship may be the power struggle stage, where all your doubts creep in, particularly if you’re asking yourself whether these flaws are indeed red flags. However, some may argue that the first stage is the hardest as you decide whether or not to carry on, or perhaps the deep attachment stage as you navigate life’s challenges.

It all depends on your own individual journey, as there is no such thing as the perfect relationship — it’s all about what works best for you and your partner. Opting for transparency and open communication as you navigate these stages is key, as you can work as a team to overcome these challenges.

What relationship phase am I in?

So, how do you know where you stand along this sliding scale of relationship stages? As we’ve reiterated many times, every couple is completely different — and that’s totally okay!

Never feel pressured to have reached a certain stage in your relationship just because everyone else has, or that’s what you’re supposed to do! Take everything at your own pace, and try to stage regular relationship check-ins both with yourself and with your partner to see where you stand.

These are some helpful starting points to see where you stand when in the early stages of a relationship, and want to decide whether or not to progress past the glow of the honeymoon era.

  • Am I ready to be exclusive with this person?

  • How would I feel if this person were seeing other people?

  • Do I see a future with this person?

  • Am I committed to them in other ways, like moving in together?

  • What are our long-term goals, and are we compatible?

Remember, nobody can define your relationship but you! We all go through different stages at different paces, and we may even go back and forth depending on what life has in store for us.

After all, a linear relationship journey wouldn’t make quite as impactful a love story, would it? So here’s to sticking with your loved one through thick and thin, and hopefully coming out the end stronger than ever.

The Stages of a Relationship Most Couples Go Through | Paired (2024)


Which is the hardest stage of a relationship? ›

The first year of the relationship is the hardest stage, and even when you're living together, you still discover new things about each other every day.

What stages do couples go through? ›

Stage 1: The euphoric stage - 6 months to 24 months (2 years) Stage 2: The early attachment stage - 12 months (1 year) to 60 months (5 years) Stage 3: The crisis stage - 60 months (5 years) to 84 months (7 years) Stage 4: The deep attachment stage - 84 months (7 years) and beyond.

What is the 3 month rule? ›

The 3-month rule can be thought of as a rule, test, or even "probationary period" for dating that suggests waiting three months before deciding whether to commit to a person. And given all we know about the initial stages of dating, it's pretty solid advice.

What is stage 5 in a relationship? ›

#5 Acceptance Stage

The acceptance stage is characterized by a deep sense of mutual respect, shared values, and a vision for the future. Couples that make it to the final stage have decided they're in it for the long haul and in a relationship with each other's family and friends, too.

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If you and your partner have uttered those words to one another, that is a huge indicator that the relationship is getting serious. Whether it's uttered after a few months or after 5 dates, saying I love you shows that you two view the relationship as a partnership.

What is stage 7 in a relationship? ›

Stage 7: Crisis and Recovery in a Relationship

Stage seven is a stage that actually can come at any point in the relationship. And that's the crisis and recovery stage. That can be any time when there's a big transition, any time there's trauma within the relationship. It can be a trauma outside of the relationship.

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A Stanford University study on American couples and their dating patterns found that 25% of couples moved in together after four months, 50% moved in after a year, and 70% had moved in with each other after two years.

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“Over the course of three dates you can get a good sense of who your partner is and if it's worth taking the next step and having sex with them,” explains Hokemeyer. “After 3 to 5 dates you'll know who you're dealing with and if you want to move more deeply into the relationship,” says Hokemeyer.

What happens after 1 year of a relationship? ›

A new relationship can be exciting and fun, and once you hit the one-year mark, most people consider it a long-term relationship. After one year, relationship experts agree that you should trust your partner. While nothing significant takes place after one year, it is a good sign that you are in a happy relationship.

What is the 3 6 9 rule in dating? ›

You can live by the 3-6-9 rule. That means no big decisions about a relationship, or about sex, until you've been seeing each other for 3 or 6 or 9 months. (And it's safer to stick with 6 or 9 months before you start seriously considering really big decisions, like having sex.)

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While men tended to consider confessions of love acceptable after about a month or so, women tended to say it was better to wait 2 to 3 months or so. Confessions of love generally inspired feelings of happiness, but men felt more positive about confessions that happened before the relationship became sexual.

What is the 3 3 3 rule in dating? ›

It is my Rule of 3s and it goes like this: Give it three dates, three weeks and three months to see how things go with someone before you get overly attached and start planning a future together.

What is the hardest stage of a relationship? ›

Every couple goes through a rough patch, but there is no cohesive answer that applies as to what is the “hardest”. Some couples may experience difficulty as they move into the 'power struggle' stage, as they are no longer willing to let their love goggles cloud their long-term judgment.

What year in a relationship is the hardest? ›

Still, there are common years when many couples face greater difficulty, because of unresolved conflict, exhaustion, diminished affection and intimacy, and unmet expectations. Some of these years include years 1, 5,7, and 10.

How long is the honeymoon phase? ›

The honeymoon phase is an early part of a couple's relationship where everything seems carefree and happy. It usually lasts from six months to two years and can be marked with lots of laughs, intimacy, and fun dates.

Which years of a relationship are the hardest? ›

Still, there are common years when many couples face greater difficulty, because of unresolved conflict, exhaustion, diminished affection and intimacy, and unmet expectations. Some of these years include years 1, 5,7, and 10.

What is the hardest part of your relationship? ›

Jealousy and Insecurity. Jealousy and insecurity can breed tension. The remedy involves bolstering self-esteem, communicating openly about emotions, and providing reassurance to your partner, promoting trust and alleviating unnecessary anxiety in the relationship.

Which stage of life is most difficult? ›

Adolescence is a period in which young individuals begin to assume adult positions socially. Note: Adolescence is the most difficult period of one's life. There are far too many significant life changes occurring in one's life, such as physical, psychological, and behavioural changes.

Why is year 3 the hardest in a relationship? ›

When the “three-year itch” occurs, it may be because couples lose passion and begin to focus on personality differences, different outlooks and goals, and incompatible lifestyle quirks. They may feel they're not a match or that the conflicts are unsurpassable.

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