How can you create an inclusive environment in your community? (2024)

Last updated on Jan 17, 2024

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Creating an inclusive environment in your community is not only a moral duty, but also a way to enhance trust, collaboration, and innovation. Inclusive communities value diversity and respect differences, while fostering a sense of belonging and empowerment for everyone. But how can you make your community more inclusive? Here are some tips to help you get started.

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  • Guy Labonte Site Chief at CAE

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1 Learn and listen

The first step to creating an inclusive environment is to learn and listen to the diverse perspectives, experiences, and needs of your community members. You can do this by attending events, workshops, or trainings that promote diversity and inclusion, or by reaching out to individuals or groups that represent different backgrounds, identities, or interests. By learning and listening, you can gain a deeper understanding of the challenges, opportunities, and aspirations of your community, and how you can support them.

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    Be open to listening and engaging with people. Don’t assume and make judgments. Ask questions and be curious about what you don’t know. Be thoughtful and respectful. Don’t make it about you feeling like a good person. Do it because it’s right and because it’s one of the times in life that we can truly make an impact in the world. Step up.


    How can you create an inclusive environment in your community? (17) 6

  • Guy Labonte Site Chief at CAE
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    Respect each other at all times. Listen and comprehend.I have said to my 4 kids and will continue to say to my 4 grandchildren. God has given us two ears and only one mouth, I believe there is a message and that is to listen vs talking.


    How can you create an inclusive environment in your community? (26) 2

  • Melissa J. K. Global Sustainability and Social Impact Leader// Human Rights Champion// Food is Medicine Practitioner// Disability Inclusion Advocate// Professional Speaker// Unabashed MamaBearExtraordinaire
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    As a parent to a child with a disability, I’m acutely aware how exclusive our communities are. Right now, inclusion is an afterthought at best, and completely forgotten more often than not. To get to a truly inclusive society, we need to stop trying to put people and needs in neat little boxes and begin from the understanding that all societies, all communities, are made up of people with different needs, different perspectives and different cultures. We need to stop trying to make things one-size-fits all and start embracing the concept success comes from creating environments where everyone feels welcome and enabled to be who they are.


    How can you create an inclusive environment in your community? (35) How can you create an inclusive environment in your community? (36) 11

  • Minaxi Mistry CEO | Brown Woman Founder | Award Winning Consultancy | Advisory Committee | CQ® Certified | Leadership Fellow | Mentor | Buy What Women Built
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    As a Brown girl from the South Asian community there are many barriers we need to start breaking to create an inclusive environment for every girl and woman. I believe the first steps are the conversations we have at home, round the kitchen table with our fathers, grandfathers, brothers and uncles. These conversations lead to education, educating our peers and siblings on the modern day wants and needs for every girl and woman. I am the first female in my family and extended family to openly talk about menopause which led has to openness, understanding and a space for me to have good days and bad days as part of my menopausal journey.

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2 Communicate and collaborate

The second step to creating an inclusive environment is to communicate and collaborate with your community members in a respectful and constructive way. You can do this by using inclusive language, avoiding stereotypes or assumptions, and acknowledging and appreciating the contributions of others. You can also seek feedback, input, or ideas from your community members, and involve them in decision-making or problem-solving processes. By communicating and collaborating, you can build trust, rapport, and mutual understanding with your community, and foster a culture of dialogue and cooperation.

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  • Jerah Reeves Educator, Amplifying Gen-Z Talent 💯
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    Communication and collaboration mean accessibility. People ultimately want to feel heard and seen (safety). Once that is accomplished, there is a firm foundation set for an inclusive environment.


    How can you create an inclusive environment in your community? (54) 3

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    Communication and collaboration help everyone feel included by making sure different viewpoints are acknowledged and respected. Working together creates an environment where everyone can contribute, fostering a sense of belonging for all.


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3 Act and advocate

The third step to creating an inclusive environment is to act and advocate for the inclusion of your community members in various aspects of your community life. You can do this by taking action to address any barriers, biases, or discrimination that may prevent your community members from accessing opportunities, resources, or services. You can also advocate for the inclusion of your community members in leadership roles, committees, or networks that influence or shape your community's vision, goals, or policies. By acting and advocating, you can demonstrate your commitment to inclusion, and inspire others to follow your example.

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  • Dustin Taylor Pharmacist, District Manager of Pharmacy and Retail Operations
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    When, as a leader, we feel something should be done to help the success of your team advocate! This is thought to reflect the leader being “needy” by some. If you feel like your team needs something chances are your peers feel the same way but are afraid to speak up.


    How can you create an inclusive environment in your community? (72) How can you create an inclusive environment in your community? (73) 3

  • Ayesha N. HR Associate | Technical Recruitment | HR Operations | Talent Acquisition | University of Karachi
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    To create an inclusive environment you not only need to open up your mind but also your hearts to people of different backgrounds. Understanding them will help you set aside any unnecessary biases against them, this will help create a connection of trust. And once you are successful in the process of understanding them, you can help others to do the same. This will make it easier to create a more inclusive environment.


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4 Celebrate and share

The fourth step to creating an inclusive environment is to celebrate and share the diversity and achievements of your community members. You can do this by organizing or participating in events, activities, or campaigns that showcase the talents, skills, or stories of your community members, or that highlight the benefits of diversity and inclusion for your community. You can also share your own experiences, challenges, or learnings about diversity and inclusion with your community members, or with other communities that may benefit from your insights. By celebrating and sharing, you can create a positive and supportive atmosphere for your community, and encourage others to join your efforts.

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  • Melissa Cohen Personal Branding and LinkedIn™ Presence Expertise | Panel and Podcast Guest | The Good Witch of LinkedIn™ ✨
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    This is my favorite. We should celebrate what makes our community members and teams unique. We should lift one another up and celebrate their accomplishments.We can make others feel included by sharing our own stories. We can be role models for others.Let's encourage one another to be the voices of support, compassion, and inclusion within our communities.


    How can you create an inclusive environment in your community? (91) How can you create an inclusive environment in your community? (92) How can you create an inclusive environment in your community? (93) 31

  • Richard O'Neill Founder at Richard O'Neill Storytelling
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    By making sure you are including the most marginalised and the smallest voices.If you ignore one group no matter how small you are not inclusive or celebrating diversity.


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5 Reflect and improve

The fifth step to creating an inclusive environment is to reflect and improve on your own attitudes, behaviors, and practices related to diversity and inclusion. You can do this by seeking feedback from your community members, or from external experts or mentors, on how you can improve your inclusiveness. You can also monitor and evaluate the impact of your actions, initiatives, or programs on the inclusion of your community members, and identify any gaps, challenges, or areas for improvement. By reflecting and improving, you can ensure that you are constantly learning, growing, and adapting to the changing needs and expectations of your community.

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    Doing all the necessary steps like the ones mentioned above are great but what really creates an inclusive environment and community is that during times of adversity or difficulty people don’t stop being inclusive and start backtracking.Lets take a look at the situation in Gaza for a second, before Oct 7th organisations were creating inclusive programs to support POC, were celebrating religious holidays, were talking about inclusion for all but as soon as the genocide began to unfold in Gaza, organisations moved away from faith inclusion, remained silent on what is happening, failed to support colleagues during this time and it revealed that many of the inclusive actions were indeed performative and selective.


    How can you create an inclusive environment in your community? (111) How can you create an inclusive environment in your community? (112) How can you create an inclusive environment in your community? (113) 33

  • 🦋 Natasha (Tash) Durkins 2X Award-winning Author of FIERCELY JOYFUL | Coach | Motivational Speaker | Founder | Executive | CHIEF Member | Personal Account: The views expressed here are my own and not those of my employer.
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    Self-reflection is an important component here. We ALL have biases whether conscious or unconscious. It’s important to recognize that and be willing to acknowledge and work through them. This work is often uncomfortable yet necessary for us to make meaningful progress in our communities. Allow yourself to be vulnerable enough to admit your own growth opportunities to others who are willing help and support your learning. Doing this helps us work IN community as we work ON community. On the other side of that is us becoming the change we want to be, breaking down biases and barriers one at a time.


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6 Repeat and sustain

The sixth and final step to creating an inclusive environment is to repeat and sustain your efforts over time. You can do this by maintaining regular communication, collaboration, and engagement with your community members, and by providing ongoing support, recognition, or incentives for their participation and involvement. You can also review and update your goals, strategies, or policies related to diversity and inclusion, and ensure that they are aligned with your community's vision, values, and priorities. By repeating and sustaining, you can ensure that inclusion becomes a habit, a norm, and a source of pride for your community.

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  • Ayesha N. HR Associate | Technical Recruitment | HR Operations | Talent Acquisition | University of Karachi
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    Sure it's hard to initiate something, but what's harder is to sustain it. The key to sustainability is consistency and commitment towards your goals.Don't make inclusivity a day or a month thing. Make it a norm, a culture, a everyday thing in your life. Introduce related policies, foster a culture of respect for all and provide your support.Not only in workplace but even beyond it!


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    If the above steps are implemented with top-down sponsorship (company culture) effectively. This automatically secures self-sustainability by default, rendering the step of "repeating & sustaining" efforts unnecessary, as diversity, inclusion, & belonging become integral norms & source of pride within the company = Being at the table, Having a voice at the table, AND crucially, Having your voice heard at the table.


7 Here’s what else to consider

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    Very few things happen organically, so having a method and strategy to create inclusive communities is key. Organizations will need to commit their resources (e.g. a team of people) to champion and grow the community over time. We are social animals and the influence of our peers can be enourmous, so I say throw your resources at training a team and see community grow over time.


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  • Derek Papp Director, Florida Keys @ Baptist Health Orthopaedic Care | Board Certified, Sports Medicine Surgeon
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    Empathy. Do your best to understand other peoples’ perspectives….and while this may seem reductive—be inclusive by actually being inclusive—invite different people to things. People that don’t share your same background—invite them to coffee or happy hour. Sharing experiences such as these are invaluable in building relationships—and take the time to know people different from you.


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How can you create an inclusive environment in your community? (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Views: 5977

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (76 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.